0 SY End-of-the-Year Financial Reporting Office of Career and Technical Education Services March 2014
Agenda SY State Funding Equipment Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examinations Industry Certification Exams Microsoft IT Academy Certification Program SY Federal Funding – Perkins Secondary Education SY End-of-the-Year Financial Reporting 1Virginia Department of Education - March 2013
CTE Perkins Act Federal Funds – Title I School Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 LOCAL PLANS – “Substantially Approvable Form” Requirement Federal Requirement - “substantially approvable form” In compliance with federal requirements, the school division must have submitted the application to the VDOE in “substantially approvable form” via OMEGA no later than June 30, 2013, in order to begin obligating Perkins funds on July 1, Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State SY Funded Allocations CTE Equipment Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examinations and/or other Industry Certification Exams Industry Certification Examinations, Licensure Tests, and Occupational Competency Assessments Microsoft IT Academy Program and Certification 3Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Equipment Allocations SUPTS. MEMO NO – July 26, 2013 SUBJECT: Career and Technical Education State Equipment Allocations and Reimbursement Requests Form for School Year $1,800,000 State Lottery Funding School Division and Regional Center Entitlements - $2,000 Floor Allocation - Enrollment-Based Allocation 4Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Equipment Allocations Important to remember: 100% Reimbursement of Equipment Expenditures, not to exceed allocation amount Must be for new equipment listed in the current state edition - Recommended Equipment Approved for Career and Technical Education ProgramsRecommended Equipment Approved for Career and Technical Education Programs 5Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Equipment Allocations State equipment funds must be used: first (100%) before requesting any Perkins federal funds reimbursements for equipment. to supplement, not supplant, any funds currently provided within the locality. Equipment purchased with state funds cannot also be claimed on Perkins federal funds reimbursement requests. 6Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Equipment Reimbursement Equipment purchases may be split between state and federal funds. Must be submitted on the CTE State Equipment Reimbursement Request Form (Supts Memo No ). Reimbursement request forms must be submitted by Friday - June 6, Reimbursement request form must have the division superintendent’s original signature. 7Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examinations SUPTS. MEMO NO – August 2, 2013 SUBJECT: State Allocation for Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth and/or Other Industry Certification Assessments and Reimbursement Request Forms for June 2013 and School Year (SY) $308,655 FY 2014 State Funding 8Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examinations Funding for Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examinations Provide support grants to the school divisions for Standard Diploma graduates. To provide flexibility, school divisions may use this grant for any Board-approved industry certification preparation and testing. Funding allocation based on school year enrollment data for students in secondary CTE courses. Initial Allocation - $0.536 per CTE Student 9Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examinations Funding reimbursement for Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examinations will be available for the following two periods: June , 2013 July 1, 2013 to May 31, 2014 Note: 100% reimbursement of exam costs not to exceed allocation amount. 10Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examinations Must be submitted on CTE Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examination Reimbursement Request Form (Supts Memo No ). CTE Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examination funding must be used first (100%) before requesting any State funds or Perkins federal funds for industry certification reimbursements. Reimbursement request forms must be submitted by Friday - June 6, Reimbursement request form must have the division superintendent’s original signature. 11Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examinations CTE Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examination reimbursement requests are paid fully with state General Assembly funds upon submission of the reimbursement request form. Payments in full will be made on the semi-monthly state payment schedule. 12Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Industry Certification CTE State Industry Certification SUPTS. MEMO NO – August 2, 2013 SUBJECT: Reimbursement for Industry Certification Examinations, Licensure Tests, and Occupational Competency Assessments Allocations and Reimbursement Request Forms for June 2013 and School Year $1,331,464 FY 2014 State Funding Additional $266,331 in state funding 13Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Industry Certification Funding for Student Credentialing Industry Certification Examinations Licensure Tests Occupational Competency Assessments (such as NOCTI) Certification Site Licenses Must be Board of Education approved for student-selected verified credit option 14Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Industry Certification CTE State Industry Certification Funding reimbursement for Industry Certification Testing will be available for the following two periods: June 1 – 30, 2013 July 1, 2013 to May 31, 2014 Note: 100% reimbursement of exam costs not to exceed allocation amount 15Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Industry Certification Reimbursement Must be submitted on CTE State Industry Certification Reimbursement Request Forms (Supts Memo No ). State funds must be used first (100%) before requesting any Perkins federal funds for industry certification reimbursements. Reimbursement request forms must be submitted by Friday - June 6, Request form must have the division superintendent’s original signature. 16Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Industry Certification CTE State Industry Certification School divisions may submit reimbursement requests for industry certification exams that exceed your original state allocation amount for any unused funds. Any unclaimed State Industry Certification funds will be reallocated on June 9, Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
State Payments for Equipment and Industry Certification Allocations for Fiscal Year 2014 Reimbursement requests for school year state funds will be paid in recurring installments on a semi-monthly recurring basis, based on the number of state payment dates remaining through June 30, 2014 (end of state fiscal year). First state funds payments for State Equipment and Industry Certification reimbursement requests will be posted for payment on February 1, Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
Workplace Readiness Skills and Industry Certification Request Submissions Priority FIRST, submit CTE State Workplace Readiness Skills reimbursement request for the full allocation amount for any Board-approved industry certification preparation and testing. SECOND, submit CTE State Industry Certification reimbursement request for the full allocation amount for any additional Board-approved industry certification preparation and testing and/or Workplace Readiness Skills exams. THIRD, submit additional CTE State Industry Certification reimbursement requests for all additional Board-approved industry certification preparation and testing and/or Workplace Readiness Skills exams. 19Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
State SY Equipment, Industry Certification Exams, and Workplace Readiness Skills funds cannot be carried over to next school year. Reimbursement requests not submitted by deadline of Friday - June 6, 2014, will result in forfeiture of remaining state allocated funds. Unclaimed Industry Certification Exams and Workplace Readiness Skills funds will be reallocated for other unpaid SY reimbursement requests. 20Virginia Department of Education - March 2014 State Funds for Equipment, Industry Certification Exams and Workplace Readiness Skills Allocations for SY
CTE State Microsoft IT Academy Certification Program CTE State Microsoft IT Academy Certification Program SUPTS. MEMO NO – December 6, 2013 SUBJECT: Announcement of Virginia’s Microsoft IT Academy Certification Program Virginia Department of Education and Microsoft partnership for School Year $1,500,000 FY 2014 State Funding 21Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Microsoft IT Academy Certification Program Microsoft IT Academy Certification Program Highlights: Site licenses for unlimited certification testing at each high school and career and technical education center at no cost to school divisions. Certification examinations for students at no charge for: Microsoft Office Suite (MOS)—Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access. Certiprep practice exams for all of the above MOS applications. Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) certification exams distributed as needed to all schools/centers. 22Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE State Microsoft IT Academy Certification Program CTE State Microsoft IT Academy Certification Program Site testing licenses and certification examinations provided at no cost under the Microsoft IT Academy Certification Program: Cannot be claimed for CTE State Industry Certification reimbursement. Cannot be claimed for Federal Perkins program reimbursement. 23Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
SUPTS. MEMO NO – May 17, 2013 SUBJECT: Estimated State Allocations for the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 (Perkins IV) for July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 $16,795, Secondary Education Funding $764,914 (3.19%) Reduction in Federal Funding 24Virginia Department of Education - March 2014 CTE Perkins Act - Federal Funds School Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
OMEGA Local Plan Application and Budget – Required Actions: Revised Annual Local Plan Application and Budget (CTEMS Schedule 17) must submitted thru OMEGA based on actual allocation. Annual Local Plan Application and Budget must be approved by VDOE. Initial OMEGA Budget Transfer Request must be submitted based on actual allocation and approved Local Plan CTEMS Schedule 18 (Summary Budget Worksheet). 25Virginia Department of Education - March 2014 CTE Perkins Act - Federal Funds School Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
OMEGA Reimbursement Requests: must have Approved Local Plan Application and Budget based on actual allocation. must have Approved OMEGA Budget Transfer based on actual allocation. must be Actual SY 2013 – 2014 Expenditures. must be Encumbered by June 30, must be Appropriate Use of Federal Funds to improve Career and Technical Education programs. 26Virginia Department of Education - March 2014 CTE Perkins Act - Federal Funds School Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
CTE Perkins Act Federal Funds – Title I School Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 Perkins federal funds cannot be used for: capital improvements, upgrades or improvements to physical structures, buildings, classrooms, laboratories, etc. purchasing used, reconditioned or repaired equipment. equipment repairs or to purchase repair parts for equipment. 27Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE Perkins Act Federal Funds – Title I School Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 Perkins federal funds cannot be used for: installation of equipment unless installation is included in the original purchase price. purchasing materials, supplies and/or commodities that are consumed or materially altered when used (i.e., welding gases, paints, lumber, sheet metal, batteries, solvents, etc.). 28Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CTE Perkins Act Federal Funds – Title I School Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014 Perkins federal funds CAN be used for: purchasing new equipment. purchasing a classroom reference set of textbooks. purchasing computer and software upgrades. rechargeable batteries if part of the original purchase of equipment (i.e., digital camera, portable drill, etc.). 29Virginia Department of Education – March 2014
Important to remember: Perkins school year federal funds cannot be carried over to next school year. OMEGA reimbursement requests not submitted by deadline of September 30, 2014, will result in forfeiture of remaining allocated funds. Unclaimed funds will be reallocated for unpaid school year industry certification reimbursement requests. 30Virginia Department of Education - March 2014 CTE Perkins Act Federal Funds – Title I School Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
OMEGA System Reimbursement Requests Submission Deadline Must be created and submitted to VDOE by the Local OMEGA Level 3 Approver by: Tuesday – September 30, Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
CHANGES to Local Plan Application and Budgets – Required Actions: Amendment to the approved Local Plan Application and Budget (CTEMS Schedule 17) must submitted thru OMEGA. Amendment to the Local Plan Application and Budget must be approved by VDOE. Revised OMEGA Budget Transfer Request must be submitted based on the funding changes and must agree with the approved Local Plan amendment CTEMS Schedule 18 (Summary Budget Worksheet). 32Virginia Department of Education - March 2014 CTE Perkins Act - Federal Funds School Year: July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
CTE State Funded Allocations CTE Equipment Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth Examinations Industry Certification Examinations, Licensure Tests, and Occupational Competency Assessments Reimbursement requests not submitted by deadline of Friday - June 6, 2014, will result in forfeiture of remaining state allocated funds. 33Virginia Department of Education - March 2014
Evaluation 34Virginia Department of Education - March 2014 Please take a few minutes to provide feedback about the benefit of this technical assistance video streaming session. Your input will be useful in our planning efforts for future video training session. The Survey Monkey link for the online evaluation is: Thank you!
Contact Information 35Virginia Department of Education – March 2014 George R. Willcox Coordinator, CTE Planning, Administration and Accountability W. Terry Dougherty Specialist, CTE Grants Administration Joseph A. Wharff Specialist, CTE Planning, Administration and Accountability Virginia Department of Education P. O. Box 2120 Richmond, Virginia Fax: