Today’s Lesson Discipline plan: rules, rewards, consequences Rules for computer rooms Staff in the ICT department What will we do in ICT? How do I log on to the computer network? Finding the right programs
1.Arrive on time. 2.Remove outside clothing and non-school uniform items when inside. 3.Bags and coats away at the start of lessons. 4.Pay attention. 5.Respect and carry out requests from adults straight away and without argument. 6.Food is for break and lunch only. Student Learning Action Policy
7.Ask your teacher’s permission to drink water in lesson. 8.Mobiles off and in bags. 9.Respect all property. 10.Speak in a polite manner at all times. 11.Respecting others’ opinions and listen when either pupils or teachers are talking. 12.Try your hardest in lessons. 13.Put your hand up, don’t call out. Student Learning Action Policy
14.Work sensibly and with tolerance towards other pupils so that everyone can learn in a pleasant environment. 15.Work hard, don’t be a slacker. 16.Complete set work in lessons: meet deadlines for homework, assignments & reports etc. 17.Use your planner to record all homework and notes between the school and at home. Student Learning Action Policy
Praise House points for good behaviour House points for good work Visit to the Head of Department for congratulations End of Term Achievement Awards
Stage One Reminder of expectations Stage Two Warning Stage Three In class consequence Stage Four Out of class consequence Stage Five Senior Teacher Called
Staff in the ICT Department Mr. Shryane – Assistant Head of E-Learning Mr. Evans – Head of ICT Department Miss Woods Mr Butler Miss Rose Ms Jarvis Miss Cunnington Ms Creak Mr Harvey
Staff in the ICT Department Mr. Lee Software Systems Manager Mr. Wilgrove Hardware Systems Manager Mrs. Griffin Hardware Technician
What will we do in ICT in year 7? You will have one lesson every week. Your program of work is on the website: R:\depts\it\schemes\ks3\scheme7.htm
What next? You will be given a quiz to complete. Log on to the network and explore!