Eastern Colorado Health Care System OEF/OIF Program Jeriann Ascione, RN, MSN Program Manager Bradley McClure, LCSW Case Manager
OIF/OEF Program Flow Sheet Description The OIF/OEF Program is a transitional program to help these combat veterans enter the VA system and get the services they need. The Program manager is the single point of contact for veterans entering the program. The Case manager helps those veterans get to the services they need. “Severely Injured” veterans (30% or more SC, SCI, Burns, Amputee, or TBI with only a single injury or illness) will be followed at least quarterly by the case manager for two years. Other veterans will be connected to the services they need, may be contacted a few times, but then closed. The Ft. Carson Liaison works with the staff on Ft. Carson to identify and arrange the transition of veterans who have injuries and/ illnesses that will need follow up after discharge. The Patient Transition Advocate assists the Liaison in transitioning those veterans to the VA Health Care System.
OIF/OEF Program Process for VISN 19 Program Manager Jeriann Ascione, RN, MSN Ft. Carson Liaison Vacant Patient Transition Advocate Vacant Social Work Case Manager Bradley McClure, LCSW TBI Case Manager Joni Pfeffer, LCWS Polytrauma Case Manager Joni Pfeffer, LCSW MH Clinics and CBOCS Primary Care Specialty Care i.e. Pain Clinic, Ortho, Prothstetics, ect Other type of referral i.e. self, command, family, Comp and Pen, VTA, PEB, ect.
OEF/OIF Veteran Program Over 3000 OEF/OIF Veterans enrolled for VA Health Care Veteran Tracking Application and Physical Examination Board monitoring has identified (and we have contacted) over 540 severely injured and medically boarded veterans Wait list are monitored to remedy any outliers; Currently there are no OEF/OIF Veterans on the wait list. OEF/OIF Veterans accounted for 20,000 encounters from 10/06 - 5/07. Weekly Hotline Call to review soldiers of concern Army Wounded Warrior Coordinator and a Social Security Disability representative participate in call
OEF/OIF Veteran Program A Steering Committee meets weekly to monitor the progress of meeting the OEF/OIF Action Plan Developed and implemented a MS Access Database to more accurately capture and track OEF/OIF veterans. Plan outreach and welcome activities Participated in over 20 outreach events; Post Deployment Health Reassessment (PDHRA) sessions, Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP’s) and Family retreats. These events reached over 600 military personnel, 200 family members, 775 professionals and 250 other interested persons
Welcome Home Events Efforts are made to identify units that are redeploying and attend their welcome home events. There is continues contact between the Colorado National Guard and Army Reserve units and staff of the OIF/OEF Program in the Eastern Colorado Health Care System.
Future Plans Implementation of registration clinic at the Compensation & Pension Clinic - target October, 07 OEF/OIF Clinic to be offered weekly that will include after hour appointments - target September, 07
What can you do to Help the OEF/OIF Connect OEF/OIF with the needed resources i.e. employment, vocational rehabilitation etc Know the names of the OEF/OIF staff and the numbers they can be reached. Thank these returning combat veterans for their service Resolve OEF/OIF veteran issues at the point of concern
Conclusion Thank you for your continued dedication to our nations veterans!