Colegio Hijas de Cristo Rey Oleiros, A Coruña
Our School This school´s got all the grades, since you begin the school until you go to the university, so the students are from 3 years to 18 years.
Location We are in a village called O Carballo in Oleiros, A Coruña.
Schedule We begin the class at 8:30am and we finish on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 1:50pm, but on Tuesdays and Thursdays we finish at 4:40pm.
Subjects We have common subjects such as Mathematics, Spanish, Galician, P.E, Religion, History and Geography. The subjects depends of the optatives that you choose, science or letters. The subjects that you have also depends of the course that you are.
Activities after school In our school we can choose about differents activities to go after school such as basketball, football, hokey, rollerblading, dance, ballet…
Uniform We´ve got differents uniforms for the boys and for the girls, for the boys they wear a trouser with a jersey and for the girls we wear a skirt with the same jersey. For PE we use a tracksuit, for all the students the same.
Presentation by Rafaela e Inés