ENTEROVIRUSES Family: Small, spherical, Icosahedral, Single stranded RNA
Classification of Poliovirus: types Coxsackie virus : divided into: * Group A: types 1-24 * Group B: types ECHO virus: types Enterovirus 70: causes Enterovirus 71: causes meningitis, encephalitis, and Enterovirus 72: is hepatitis A virus
Poliovirus causes It is transmitted by the fecal-oral It replicates in the oropharynx and the intestinal Humans are the only natural Poliomyelitis is common in areas where hygiene and sanitation are No carrier state
Symptoms of P oliomyelitis Sometimes no Fever, headache, sore throat, Symptoms of Muscle spasms and paralysis
Muscle spasms and paralysis
Lab. Diagnosis of P oliomyelitis Specimens: faeces, throat Inoculate: monkey kidney, or human embryo lung cell cultures. Look for Type by neutralization Serology by ELISA
Vaccination against P oliomyelitis Two vaccines are available: 1. Sabin live attenuated vaccine: * Contains the three polioviruses, and prepared in monkey kidney tissue culture. * Administered in three oral doses at 2,3, 4 months of age, and booster on school entry * Good protection, good safety, * Vaccinated children are Albert Sabin (inventor of the vaccine) is giving the oral dose
2. Salk inactivated Contains the three Given in three Good protection against paralysis, and has high Jonas Salk (inventor of the vaccine) is injecting a child
Named for the town of Coxsackie, Transmitted by the fecal-oral route, and by respiratory Coxsackieviruses replicate in the oropharynx and the intestinal Humans are the only natural hosts.
Diseases of Upper respiratory tract Fever, skin rash, Transient Associated with hand-foot-mouth disease
Lab. Diagnosis of Specimens: faeces, throat Inoculate suckling mice and observe for signs of paralysis in the ELISA to detect IgM antibodies No vaccination for Coxsackie infection
ECHO is an abbreviation of Enteric Cytopathic Human It causes: * Meningitis, URT infection, * Fever, skin rash, diarrhea, * Echoviruses has over 30 Transmitted by the fecal-oral route
Lab. Diagnosis of ECHO Specimens: faeces, throat swabs, Isolation in human embryo lung cell cultures. Look for CPE using a light Serology not done because of the large number of serotypes. No vaccine available.