Early career teacher induction: Literacy middle years Workshop 4 Literacy and Quality Teaching Workshop 4 Early career teacher induction: Literacy middle.


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Presentation transcript:

Early career teacher induction: Literacy middle years Workshop 4 Literacy and Quality Teaching Workshop 4 Early career teacher induction: Literacy middle years 1

Outcomes: Workshop 4 understanding of physical, social and intellectual development of students in the middle years, as well as exceptions to general patterns understanding of how to use Quality Teaching to support student learning understanding of how to use Quality Teaching to program units of work Workshop 4 Early career teacher induction: Literacy middle years 2

2.2.2 Apply knowledge of the typical stages of students’ physical, social and intellectual development as well as an awareness of exceptions to general patterns Identify and articulate clear learning goals that reflect important conceptual understanding(s) of the content/discipline taught Design and implement coherent, well-structured lessons and lesson sequences that engage students and enhance student learning outcomes Workshop 4 Early career teacher induction: Literacy middle years 3 Professional teaching standards NSW Institute of teachers

Quality teaching in NSW public schools Long research history that has tried to identify teaching practices that improve student learning. Until recently there was little consensus about quality pedagogy because of the difficulty in isolating the independent effects of a specific teaching technique on student learning. More recently researchers have tried to identify more general qualities or characteristics of pedagogy. Workshop 4 Early career teacher induction: Literacy middle years 4

Studies by Newmann et al. in the US (‘Authentic pedagogy’), and the ‘productive pedagogies’ work in Qld, have focused on identifying some underlying dimensions of pedagogy that: - have meaning in real classrooms - can be sustained organisationally by schools - and have demonstrated effects on learning outcomes for all students. Building on this research the NSW model identifies three key dimensions of pedagogy … Workshop 4 Early career teacher induction: Literacy middle years 5 …research background

Pedagogy that is fundamentally based on promoting high levels of intellectual quality Pedagogy that is soundly based on promoting a quality learning environment Pedagogy that develops and makes explicit to students the significance of their work. Workshop 4 Early career teacher induction: Literacy middle years 6 Three dimensions of Quality Teaching

Intellectual quality is central All three dimensions are essential for improved student outcomes Workshop 4 Early career teacher induction: Literacy middle years 7

Each dimension is described in terms of six elements. Elements draw from research that links quality pedagogy to improved student outcomes. Elements are observable characteristics of pedagogy within classroom practice and written tasks. Workshop 3 Early career teacher induction: Literacy middle years 8 Elements of the NSW model

Planning for Quality Teaching: four key questions What do I want students to learn? Why does that learning matter (for students)? What do I want the students to do or produce to demonstrate their understanding? How well do I expect them to do it? Workshop 4 Early career teacher induction: Literacy middle years 9

Literacy K–12 Policy Teachers K-12 will allocate sufficient time to explicitly plan, program and teach literacy to ensure students’ achievement of syllabus standards. Workshop 4 Early career teacher induction: Literacy middle years 10