ESR 3.1 Introduction Iordan Doytchinov
Contents: Who am I My MEng degree Industrial Placements and University Projects PACMAN project 3.1 I)Optimization of the Design and Assembly of the Main Beam Quadruples (MBQ) for the CLIC Two Beam Modules – PhD thesis II) Mechanical Integration of the PACMAN Assembly/Alignment Bench Current work plan, Training To do..
Me: I come from here - SofiaBeside Engineering…
Integrated Engineering MEng Electrical Engineering training Mechanical Engineering training Mechanical Design and Materials Selection Thermal and Fluid Mechanics Vehicles Dynamics Electronic Devices & Circuits Control Engineering Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Core/Integrated Subjects Mechatronics Robotics Engineering Complex Interdisciplinary projects Engineering and Design Systems modeling/ simulation
Industrial Placements Projects/MEng Thesis Siemens – Test automation - 1 yearF4E – Vehicle Dynamics/ Performance - 3 months National Met Office UK: UAV Performance Estimation /system Integration Omron ltd Barcelona: Real-Time HIL robot dynamics simulator (Master THESIS)
PACMAN Objectives I)Optimization of the Design and Assembly of the Main Beam Quadrupoles (MBQ) for the CLIC Two Beam Modules - main for PhD Hypothesis II)Mechanical Integration of the PACMAN Assembly/Alignment Bench “If you grasp the principles – myths fall & Ideas take-off” David Lentink (TUDELFT) TED Conference Amsterdam (“ برج خليفة , "Khalifa Tower“) – Dubai 2010Babylon tower by Tobias Verhaecht (1561 – 1631) One off prototype example: Dominique Loiseau - the Rose de Temps clock Extremely costly on time & money High number production (thousands): ‘Swatch’ mass production of Swiss made high quality wrist watches
I) Optimization of the MQQ Design & Assembly Optimize magnet mechanical-magnetic design and assembly procedure from point of view of ultra precision engineering. Component design Assembly procedure/jig (easy, cheap, fast) Quadruple Yoke prototype example By Raphael Leuxe Beam Dynamics magnetic field Spec The desired function! Our Meca! Understand relationship? Field Spec VS Mechanical/Assembly spec Quadruple Yoke prototype example By Raphael Leuxe
“There is not such thing as bad ‘function’ delivered by assembly/component. All functions are ‘perfect’ and acts according to its intentional or unintentional design. There is only a ‘bad’ or not well understood design.” Understanding of real material geometry as function of environment and itself (temperature, gravity, coupling forces). ‘Right’ Kinematic design (restriction of the right degrees of freedom) The insurances of the ‘right’ measurement met Design for repeatability. (high stiffness design – low histersis, attenuation due thermal, vibration effects). Other.. The Precision Engineering View
Understanding of the ‘scale’ of the problem. Internship in Metrology department – Accuracy, Uncertainty, Resolution, Repeatability, Reproducibility and Tractability of micrometric measurement at 2m length scale. The same activity to be performed at DMP Spain! Understanding of the current state of art – Assembly with mounting key design. Investigation of perfect possible mechanical assembly from CMM measurement of prototype parts (KOTEM software) Understanding of beam dynamics specification in the contexts of mechanical specification (Daniel Schulte), FEA magnet Simulation software, KOTEM Material selection for the magnet? Investigation on best material for point of view of magnetic and high precision mechanical design (Ashby analysis) Current Tasks for I)
II) Mechanical Integration of the PACMAN Assembly / Alignment Bench Specifications coordination (by Iordan Doytchinov): Act as system engineer making sure all the subgroups specification Integrate in appropriate way: QFD analysis to be performed as practice for wire integration case study - Understanding of the complete specification Possible Ashby analysis for selection of hybrid material for the wire. A GLOBAL mechanical/assembly INTEGRATION aspect (by Iordan Doytchinov) BPM sensor mechanical alignment and integration to MBQ magnets - BPM integrated with beam pype? - BPM as part of the MBQ? - Other solution such as separate stand or integration to MBQ stand
II) Mechanical Integration of the PACMAN Assembly / Alignment Bench A GLOBAL mechanical/assembly INTEGRATION aspect (by Iordan Doytchinov) Electromechanical integration of magnetic, RF and metrological wire measuring tools into single one (one wire, one stretching system) 1 Wire and support structure for 2 to 4 different measurements: (RF BPM, RF ACC structures, MBQ Magnetic field position and quality, Metrological reference )
II) Mechanical Integration of the PACMAN Assembly / Alignment Bench A GLOBAL mechanical/assembly INTEGRATION aspect (by Iordan Doytchinov) To perform the full mechanical integration of the prototype alignment bench (which will fit on Leitz CMM) make sure all sensor, control actuators systems integrate electromechanically. All ultraprecision design techniques to integrate various subsystems into the final PACMAN stand
Current Work Plan, Training Current work: Study Assembling of DMP prototypes with mechanical KEY method developed - Use KOTEM smart fit software ( to study best fit of componentshttp:// Wire integration case study for 2x systems (Magnetic and Metrological). Practice QDF (Quality Function Deployment) and component analysis to select appropriate wire and stretching systems. Training: So far 3day basic ISO GD&T course; 1 day Faro arm course To do: - 10 Day CATIA course - 6 Day ANSYS course - Internship Metrology department, - High Precision engineering course at Cranfield - Other
To Do Identify Risk Metrics and redesign work/training plan with accordance to it: Create detailed work, training plan, define Scientific Hypothesis on Part I
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“CUSTOMERS”: Magnetic measurement Mechanical Measurement RF Measurement BPM RF Measurement Acc structures QFD
Ashby analysis Hybrid Material