The Purpose of Scouting To promote through organization and cooperation with other agencies, the ability of boys to do useful things for themselves and others, to train them in Scoutcraft, and to inculcate in them patriotism, civic consciousness and responsibility, courage, self-reliance, discipline and kindred virtues, and moral values, using the methods which are in common use by Boy Scouts.
ADVANCEMENT SEMINAR Objectives Explain the BSP Advancement Scheme and its Purpose Integrate the Knowledge and Skills learned on advancement in Scouting Activities Explain the procedures and requirements for Advancement Conduct appropriate/ standard recognition ceremonies in his / her unit.
DEFINITION OF TERMS Scout Advancement – is the movement of Scouts from their membership status to the next higher rank in scouting as a result of individual/ Patrol/ Unit activities. It is the result of the application of the scout Method in the Unit and the Badge System which offers a series of activities to young people to help them develop their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potential.
DEFINITION OF TERMS Advancement scheme - refers to the system of advancement/ achievement for Scouts that follows a progression from Membership, which is a pre- requisite for admission to the Unit, to the highest Advancement rank.
DEFINITION OF TERMS Advancement Badge - the badge of progression given to a boy scout and/or senior scout as a form of recognition for passing in a Board of Review the merit badges and activities required of a particular advancement badge as approved by the local council committee on Advancement and Awards or the National court of Honor as the case maybe.
DEFINITION OF TERMS Merit Badge - a badge given to a boy and/or senior Scout as a form of recognition for accomplishing and passing the requirements for a subject or a particular merit badge as certified by the Merit Badge Counselor, recommended by the Council Committee on Advancement and Awards and approved by the CSE.
DEFINITION OF TERMS Board of Review - a body consists of 3- 5 member Scouters or more, who are familiar with the advancement requirements of the sectional program of Scouting and skilled in a particular field of study/discipline, preferably members of the troop committee/council advancement and awards committee.
DEFINITION OF TERMS Court of Honor - refers to 6oth the ceremony of recognition at which badges of advancement/ achievement or awards are presented and also to group of men who constitute a court that will present badges of recognition or awards in a ceremony.
DEFINITION OF TERMS Eagl e Scout Badge - the highest Advancement Badge in the Senior Scouting section that requires 23 merit badges and 59 activities.
DEFINITION OF TERMS Scout Method - system of progressive self-education based on the interaction of a number of elements, of which the most important are the team (patrol) system, stimulating adult presence, the progressive system of objectives and activities, learning by doing, adherence to the promise and law, symbolic framework, life in nature, learning through play and serving others.
DEFINITION OF TERMS Group Life - atmosphere in the Scout Unit, created by the activities that are carried out and the relationship that grows up among its members. It is a function of the degree to which the elements of the Scout Method are applied.