Tundra Chris Milligan Luke Meakim Jayden Browne Team C
Location Tundra is farthest north of equator Alaska, North Canada, Greenland South of North pole
Climate 26˚C to 4˚C 11 cm of precipitation
Summer All daylight Lots of insects Small plant growth Puddles/Ponds
Winter Mostly darkness Animals hibernate & migrate 10 Months -32 degrees C Completely frozen ground
Plants and Adaptations Strong roots Close to ground Only centimeters tall Lichens winter cold No trees
Animals and Adaptations The artic hair grows thick, white fur to stay warm and blend in with the snow Lemmings burrow under snow during the winter to Keep warm Caribous migrate during winter in search for food Some animals have foot padding to protect the bottom of there feet An animal uses its body fat to keep warmth Animals in the tundra have small ears to stay warm
Environmental Issues Permafrost No trees (less oxygen) Not a lot of daylight in winter Very cold weather Harsh winds Alaskan pipeline