CANONICAL REQUIREMENTS Sacraments: Baptism Confirmation Reconciliation Holy Eucharist Pre-nuptial interview for sufficient instruction in the Christian doctrine Pre-Cana seminar Documents: Baptismal certificate Certificate of Confirmation Certificate that the couple completed a family planning seminar Duly approved marriage license from the civil registrar Publication of Wedding Banns
STATE REQUIREMENTS ACCORDING TO NEW FAMILY CODE (Art. 2 and 3) Essential or intrinsic requirements: Male and Female At least 18 years of age Not under legal impediment to marry *If either of both parties are years of age, parental advice is required Consent freely given in the presence of the solemnizing officer
Formal or extrinsic requirements: Authority of the solemnizing officer Incumbent members of the judiciary Any priest, rabbi, imam or minister of any church or religious sect Consul-general, consul, vice consul of the Philippines (if abroad) Mayor At the point of death by either or both parties Captain of a ship at sea or pilot of a plane in flight (if parties are passengers) Military commander if parties are within the zone of military operations Valid Marriage License
FAMILY AND PERSONAL PREPARATIONS Spiritual: Inviting Christ to be the guest of honor and witness to the wedding. Attending a pre- Cana conference or pre-nuptial seminar. Psychological: For the “everydayness of marriage”, knowing each other well, knowing each other’s relatives and friends. Economic: Consider what the couple can afford. Physical: healthy and capable of becoming parents of healthy children.
RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD 2 aspects of parenthood 1. Paternity and Maternity- the co- creation with God of new life. 2. Fatherhood and Motherhood- providing all that is necessary for the sustenance and development of this new living human persons brought into the world.
Means of Planning the Family (Natural) The Mucus Examination Method The Basal Body Temperature Method (BBT) The Sympto-thermal Method Breastfeeding