Session 5 Online Resources
Teacher Resources Canada’s History Magazine [ Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) [ Curriculum Services Canada (CSC) [ Government of Canada (GC) [ Historica- Dominion Institute [ Ontario History and Social Sciences Teachers’ Association (OHASSTA) [ The History Education Network (THEN|HiER) [
Teacher Resources Examine your assigned link and brainstorm how you could use the resources provided in various History and Social Studies courses. Prepare a Mind Map that illustrates the different connections your group has made with the Ontario curriculum.
Course Overview: Grades In Grades 11 and 12, five types of courses are offered : (1)University Preparation (2)University / College Preparation (3)College Preparation (4)Workplace Preparation (5)Open Students choose between course types on the basis of thier interests, achievement, and postsecondary goals.
Courses in Canadian and World Studies: Grades Economics (3 Courses) Geography (10 Courses) History (9 Courses) Law (3 Courses) Politics (2 Courses) Please refer to pages 9-13 of the Ontario Curriculum document for details on course names, course types, course codes, and applicable course prerequisites.
History Courses: Grades Grade 11 – American History (University) Grade 11 – World History to the Sixteenth Century (University/College) Grade 11 – Canadian History and Politics Since 1945 (College & Workplace) Grade 11 – World History Since 1900: Global and Regional Perspectives (Open) Grade 12 – Canada: History, Identity, and Culture (University) Grade 12 – World History: The West and the World (University & College) Grade 12 – Adventures in World History (Workplace) Group Activity: In groups of 2-3 brainstorm current events that are relevant to your assigned course. Be prepared to share with the rest of the class how your current event would be introduced and how you would use it to hook student interest.