Complications of ACL Rec. Dr a. Bagherifard,MD Knee surgeon SHAFA orthopedic hospital, IUMS
Complications of ACL rec. intraoperative postoperative
Intraoperative complications : tunnels malposition impingement improper tensioning inadequate fixation
Tunnels malposition : Fem. T : Ant loss of flexion ( captured knee ) Pos blowing out Vertical rotational stability A.P stability
Tunnels malposition : Tib. T : Ant impingement ( flx cont. ) Pos loss of flexion ( captured knee) Med or Lat impingement synovitis
Impingement : Non anatomic tunnel placement Oversized graft Notch stenosis
over tensioning : Loss of flexion Chondrolysis ( stress on the cartilage ) Poor vascularity ( graft degeneration ) Amount of standard tension is unknown ( 10 N ??? )
Ligamentization : Necrosis ( 1 m ) Revascularization & cellular proliferation ( 1 – 3 m ) Remodeling ( 6 m )
postoperative complications : Stiffness Infection Graft failure Osteoarthritis
Stiffness : The most common complication. causes : Tunnel malposition ( fem ) Prolonged immobilization Poor patient compliance Notch scaring, capsulitis, RSD
Infection : Rare but devastating complication. 0/14 % % w after surgery ( JBJS Am ;95:843-9 ) Graft can often be maintained
Infection : Risk factors: Previous surgery Duration of surgery > 1.5 h Small portal Flash sterilization Autograft > allograft
Graft failure : Mechanical : Tunnel malposition Overtensioning Impingement Biological : Infection Graft insufficiency Premature return to sport Allograft > autograft ???
Osteoarthritis : OA is a common complication. 50 % after ACL tear. 70% associated with a meniscal inj. ACL reconstruction can not alter the natural history ( JBJS Am, 2014 Feb 19;96(4): 292 – 300 )
Medical complication : DVT : potentially life threatening 0.6% % in routine arthroscopy ACCP guideline : knee Arth. Without risk factors, just early mobilization