CUDate UC-approved Date Implemented UPBOct 2001June 2002 UPDDec 2001June 2002 UPLBNov 2001June 2002 UPMlaJan 2002June 2003 UPMinMay 2002June 2002 UPVNov 2001June 2002 UPOU RGEP
Humanities and Languages Comm I Comm II Comm III Humanities I Humanities II Nat. Sci & Mathematics Nat. Sci I Nat. Sci II Mathematics I STS Social Sciences Soc. Sci I Soc Sci II Kasaysayan I Kasaysayan II Philo I 5 (15 u)4 (12 u)5 (15 u) Old General Education Program Arts & Humanities Math, Sci & Tech Soc. Sci & Philo 5 (15 u) RGEP
CU Arts & HumanitiesSoc. Sci & PhiloMath, Sci. & Tech # Old GE courses # RGEP courses # Old GE courses # RGEP courses # Old GE courses # RGEP courses UPB 0 (5- 5*) 11 (5*+6) 563 (4- 1*) 6 (1*+5) UPD UPLB (4- 1*) 12 (1*+11) UPM UPMIN (4- 1*) 6 (1*+5) UPV UPOU 5 (9) 05 (8) 04 (7) 2 Present General Education Courses * revitalized
I. GE Framework GE Domains (No. of Units) ObjectivesMethods of InquiryCompetencies Broad Intellectual & Cultural Horizons Nationalism Balanced with Internat’lism Awareness of Various Disciplines Integration of Knowledge & Skills Quantitative & Other Forms of Reasoning Interpretive & Aesthetic Approaches Comm. (Oral & Written) Independent, Creative & Critical Thinking Arts & Humanities (15) Social Sciences & Philosophy (15) Math, Science & Technology (15) Purposes: a) To ensure that every GE course meets the program objectives, modes of inquiry and competencies; and b) To ensure that the domains of knowledge contain a healthy mix of disciplines Revitalized GE Program
Requirements: a) Every GE course, existing or to be instituted, must satisfy at least three of the objectives, apply at least one mode of inquiry and develop the skills listed above. b) A GE course must not have a prerequisite, except if taken as part of a cluster. c) The total number of GE courses is 45 units, of which 6 units must be in Philippine Studies from any of the clusters. d) Units that offer GE courses must take into account the attributes of the ideal GE faculty.
II. GE Proposal AspectFromTo ObjectivesGenerally: To broaden the student's intellectual and cultural horizons To foster a commitment to nationalism balanced by a sense of internationalism; To cultivate a capacity for independent, critical and creative thinking; To infuse a passion for learning with a high sense of moral and intellectual integrity. Specifically, to enable the student: To acquire basic skills and competencies in mathematics, reasoning and communication; To develop an awareness, understanding and appreciation of the various disciplines of the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities and philosophy; and To develop the ability to integrate and/or adapt the knowledge and skills acquired from the various disciplines. Same Appears as objective in GE Framework. Appears as objective in Framework. Listed as competence in Framework that GE course must achieve. Ensured by requirement (c) of Framework, which lists attributes of faculty who teach GE courses. Same Listed as method of inquiry (quantitative reasoning) and as competence (communication) in Framework. Appears as objective in Framework. N.B. The objective – “to develop a sense of nationhood” ---- was proposed in the December 1985 System Conference in UPLB but does not appear among those approved by President E. Angara in April The objectives above are those that were officially approved.
AspectFromTo Approach Fully prescriptive structured approach, with fixed common content Semi-structured approach, with common goals and learner- customized content, provided: Students select courses within the GE Framework; Students who perform below a certain cut-off in UPCAT math and English proficiency & comprehension sub-tests take Summer Bridge Program before enrolling as freshmen; and Prerequisites of major courses are respected. Content Arts and humanities: Communication/Komunikasyon I, II, III; Humanities/Humanidades I, II Social sciences & philosophy: History, I, II; Social Science I, II; Philosophy I Natural sciences and mathematics: Natural Science I, II; Mathematics I; Science, Technology & Society Substitution of Nat. Sci I/II and Math I by set of courses in major field of natural science curricula. Subject to conditions above and following the GE Framework, courses in each domain will consist of: Present GE courses; Existing non-GE courses with a liberal education thrust and without prerequisites that the University Council qualifies as GE; and New courses that the University Council qualifies as GE. In addition, six (6) GE units from any domain must be in Philippine studies. Retained: other substitutions will have to be approved by the University Council Distribution Arts and humanities: 15 units Social sciences & philosophy: 15 units Natural sciences and mathematics: 12 units Arts and humanities: 15 units Social sciences & philosophy: 15 units Mathematics, science & technology: 15 units Total Units 42 units45 units Language Policy None; As approved, arts and humanities courses are offered in English or Filipino, from which students can choose. Encourage use of Filipino as medium of teaching. II. GE Proposal