Hepatitis Inflammatory Disease of the Liver
Hepatitis A,B,C,…. What is Hepatitis? Inflammation of the Liver What can cause Hepatitis? * Virus – A, B, C….G *Alcohol and Drug Abuse *Certain Bacteria, Fungi, Parasites
General Symptoms for ALL types of Hepatitis Jaundice – Yellow Skin and Eyes Extremely weak or tired Abdominal pain or nausea Vomiting or diarrhea Headache Low-grade fever Dark urine
Hepatitis A In Top 10 Communicable Diseases in U.S. Feces from infected person 99% - Recover in 6-8 weeks Prevention: Hand-washing Treatment: Rest, Fluids, Good Diet What is the role of restaurants?
Hepatitis B 100 times more infectious than HIV Virus can live for 7 days on a dry surface. Transmission: Blood, Semen, Saliva (newborn) Many have NO SYMPTOMS Acute illness with all of the general symptoms 95% - Recover and have immunity Treatment: Rest, Fluids, Good Diet Causes cirrhosis, liver failure, 80% of liver cancer Vaccination available
Hepatitis C Transmission: Infected Blood transfusions before 1992, kidney dialysis, needles, piercings, tattoos, sexual activity, shared personal items (razors, toothbrushes) Diagnosis: Blood test Acute Illness and then No Symptoms: (90% don’t know they have it) 20-25% recover fully Outcome: Liver disease/failure, Liver Cancer (Leading cause of Liver Transplants) Treatment: Rest, Good Food, Fluids, Meds
Self-Care Vaccination for Hep A & Hep B Safe sex – latex condoms Properly sterilized equipment manicures, piercing, tattoo Don’t share personal care items Don’t share chewing gum Use good hygiene and safety procedures Keep wounds covered Minimize alcohol intake Lose weight – fat build-up in the liver lowers response to medications