Orientation to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Glenda O. Barron July 31, 2006
Mission of the Coordinating Board To work with the Legislature, Governor, governing boards, higher education institutions and other entities to help Texas meet the goals of the state’s higher education plan, Closing the Gaps by 2015, and thereby provide the people of Texas the widest access to higher education of the highest quality in the most efficient manner.
Philosophy of the Coordinating Board The Board will promote access to quality higher education across the state with the conviction that access without quality is mediocrity and that quality without access is unacceptable. The Board will be open, ethical, responsive, and committed to public service. The Board will approach its work with a sense of purpose and responsibility to the people of Texas and is committed to the best use of public monies. The Board will engage in actions that add value to Texas and to higher education. The agency will avoid efforts that do not add value or that are duplicated by other entities.
Agency Statement of Direction Every Texan educated to the level necessary to achieve his or her dreams; no one is left behind, and each can pursue higher education; colleges and universities focus on the recruitment and success of students while defining their own paths to excellence; education is of high quality throughout; and all levels of education, the business community, and the public are constant partners in recruiting and preparing students and faculty who will meet the state’s workforce and research needs.
Supporting the Vision Created by the Texas Legislature in 1965 to ensure quality and efficiency in public higher education Currently composed of 13 members appointed by the Governor, confirmed by the Senate six-year terms quarterly meetings in Austin
Supporting the Vision, Continued Board members appoint Commissioner of Higher Education acts as state’s chief expert on higher education authorized full-time positions Achievement of Closing the Gaps by 2015 is agency’s central mission Reorganized in early 2005 Two units: Participation and Success and Academic Excellence and Research
Supporting the Vision, Continued Participation and Success Two divisions: Outreach and Success and Student Services Academic Excellence and Research Two divisions: Planning and Accountability and Academic Affairs and Research
Major Statutory Responsibilities Develop and update the state’s higher education plan, Closing the Gaps by 2015 Review and recommend changes in funding formulas Approve institutions’ requests for new academic programs to meet needs, ensure quality, and eliminate unnecessary duplication
Responsibilities, continued Approve and monitor postsecondary technical/vocational educational programs Administer Carl Perkins federal grant funds for the purpose of improving workforce education Collect, analyze, and report higher education data, undertake studies and develop recommendations for improving higher education
Responsibilities, continued Report to the Legislature on policy issues and legislatively mandated issues Prescribe changes in the roles and missions of public higher education institutions Administer the state’s student financial aid programs
Responsibilities, continued Administer the Texas Success Initiative Administer state-funded competitive grants to Texas college and university researchers Approve degree programs at career colleges and regulate unaccredited private post- secondary institutions