+ The Forest By Rene Koncz and Rebeka Szegner
+ The Forest A forest Is a large Area Covered Primanily By trees And undergrowth
+ The Forest The trees start with oak tree zone. Then come the beech trees there small distance too dark and there is no undergrowth. After the the oak and the beech trees then comes the pine trees. For animals trees give shelter and food. The level of the mosses are at the begin of the tree trucks. The trees on the mountainOn the trees
+ What kind of tree are there Cotton- wood Beech tree White oak tree Sugar maple Shtagh- orn sumac White- birch Quaking aspen American elm Grey birch Red oak tree Red maple White ash tree Big tooth aspen Bass- wood Black cherry Ash-leaf maple Striped maple Butternut tree
+ Trees EnglishHungarianLatin Ash blueKék KõrisFraxinus hyacintho Sugar MapleCukorjuharQuis dignissim CottonwoodNyárfaCottonwood BeechNyírfaFagos BasswoodHársfaBasswood CherryCseresznyefaCerasis ChestnutDiófaVarii, CoffeeKávefaCoffee OakTölgyQuercus, PineFenyõfaPinea
+ By Rene Koncz be happy Thank you