Aim: How did the French and Indian War impact the colonies in North America? French and Indian War- War between the British and the French that gave the British Control of North America Proclamation Line of Law limiting the area of English settlement Salutary Neglect-England's policy in the early 1700’s, involving a relaxed and indifferent enforcement of the Navigation Acts in the colonies.
Salutary Neglect What differences in views did the British and the colonists have about each other in 1763? Why? Why did the British follow a policy of “salutary neglect” in regard to colonial trade? Why did the British to abandon this policy?
Literacy Activity See Handout entitled “Effects of the French and Indian War” Read the questions first (underline important words in the questions) Read the document Answer the questions that follow
This map shows the boundaries after what American conflict? Why do you think King George III restricted colonists’ movement west of the Proclamation Line of 1763?
The main reason Great Britain established the Proclamation Line of 1763 was to 1. avoid conflicts between American colonists and Native American Indians 2. make a profit by selling the land west of the Appalachian Mountains 3. prevent American industrial development in the Ohio River valley 4. allow Canada to control the Great Lakes region
The British policy of “salutary neglect” of the American colonies in the early eighteenth century meant A) refusing to defend the colonies and instead expecting colonial taxpayers to assume the entire burden. B) ignoring Americans' hopes for independence instead of suppressing them violently. C) failing to enforce virtually all the laws that Parliament passed regarding the colonies. D) relaxing supervision of the colonies' internal affairs while concentrating on defense and trade policies
Quote of the Day!!!! The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will. Vince Lombardi Coach of the NFL Green Bay Packers during their Dynasty