DEFINITION: Globalization – the intensification of economic, political, social, and cultural relations across borders.
Why and When? “The complexity of modern finance makes New York dependent on London, London upon Paris, Paris upon Berlin, to a greater degree than has ever yet been the case in history. This interdependence is the result of the daily use of those contrivances of civilization …the instantaneous dissemination of financial and commercial information … and generally the incredible increase in the rapidity of communication.”
Why and When? (pic of globalisation)
Is the World Shrinking? Think TECHNOLOGY!!! (spread of trade and culture)
IS THE WORLD BECOMING FLAT? Think: access to opportunities
Do We All Truly Live in the “Global Village”? More developed countries vs. less developed countries – statistics / issues
Is Globalization Good?
Or Bad?
Clash of Cultures vs. Cultural Tolerance
Political Advantages of Globalization Weakens power of authoritarian governments. Promotion of universal human rights
Political Disadvantages Unwanted external influence difficult to keep out.
Economic Advantages Availability of jobs and capital More choices for consumers
Economic Disadvantages Exploitation that only benefits select few Growing gap between rich and poor
Economic Disadvantages (cont.)
Cultural Advantages Exposure to other cultures
Cultural Disadvantages Cultural Imperialism
Levels of Analysis (values) Self-Interest National Interest Religious / Ethnic View Humanitarian (Global) View
World Affairs - Inteconnectedness!!!
Key Players Countries (states) IGOs (International Governmental Organizations, ex.U.N, The World Bank, the IMF) NGOs (Non-governmental organizations – Amnesty International, Greenpeace, Doctors Without Borders) TNCs (Transnational Corporations – Coca- Cola, Toyota, etc.)
Work Cited: see attached Microsoft Word document.