Grudge Unit 10 – Motivation
Abraham Maslow This American psychologist believes everyone must progress through a hierarchy of needs.
False True or False: The Minnesota Starvation Experiment found that men on a semistarvation diet remained interested in sex even when they were hungry.
Erectile Dysfunction This sexual disorder is the inability to maintain an erection in men.
Alfred Kinsey This American biologist conducted sex research by interviewing people about their sexual habits.
Metabolic Rate (Metabolism) This is the body’s rate of energy expenditure.
True True or False: The APA no longer considers homosexuality a mental illness.
Estrogen This is a sex hormone secreted in greater amounts by females.
Glucose This is the form of sugar that circulates in the blood.
Homeostasis The tendency to maintain a balance.
2/3 This fraction of Americans are considered overweight.
Incentive A positive or negative environmental stimulus that motivates behavior.
Incentive Theory This theory on motivation goes focuses on the secondary motives such as rewards to regulate and pull us toward a goal.
Refractory Period This is the time after orgasm where you are incapable of another orgasm.
Basic Biological Needs (Physiological Needs) This is the first level of the hierarchy of needs.
Premature Ejaculation This sexual disorder is characterized by early orgasms in men.
20 Most gays or lesbians identify with their sexual orientation around this age.
Sexual Disorders The inability to complete the sexual response cycle to orgasm.
False True or False: Sexual orientation is widely considered a conscious choice.
Safety and Security Needs This is the second level of the hierarchy of needs.
Testosterone This is the most important of the male sex hormones and is responsible for the growth of male sex organs.
Heterosexuality Sexual attraction toward members of the opposite sex.
Self-esteem Needs This is the fourth level of the hierarchy of needs.
True True or False: All cultures at all times have been predominantly heterosexual.
50% This percentage of US high school students report having had sex.
Belongingness and Love Needs This is the third level of the hierarchy of needs.
Orgasm This is the third stage of the sexual response cycle.
Self-Actualization Needs This is the highest level of the hierarchy of needs.
False True or False: Gays and lesbians suffer lower rates of depression than heterosexuals.
Orexin This is the hunger-triggering hormone.
Self-esteem Tobias is very hesitant and unsure of himself and clearly lacks confidence. Tobias is stuck at this level on the hierarchy of needs.
Ghrelin This is the hunger-arousing hormone secreted by an empty stomach.
Ostracism This is the act of social exclusion. (Time-out, prison, etc.)
True True or False: In a complete sexual response cycle, the orgasm phase comes immediately after plateau.
Motivation A need or desire that energizes and directs behavior.
Safety and Security After a fire destroyed his home, Justin has been unable to concentrate on school. Justin may be stuck at this level on the hierarchy of needs.
Arousal Theory Which theory on motivation is most helpful for explaining why people are motivated to skydive?
True True or False: Compared to women, men’s sexual fantasies are usually less romantic.
Viagra This drug is a chemical treatment for erectile dysfunction.
PYY These are the digestive hormones that suppresses appetite.
Excitement This is the first stage of the sexual response cycle.
Basic Biological (Physiological) Needs Arslan is unable to concentrate in school because of hunger. He is stuck in this level of the hierarchy of needs.
Habituation This is the lessening of arousal from repeated exposure to erotic material.
Nocturnal Emissions These are the orgasms experienced by males in their sleep.
Neophobia This is our natural dislike of many foods that are unfamiliar.
Self-esteem Feeling accepted and loved by others boosts our _______.
Leptin These are the hunger- dampening hormones secreted by fat cells.
Bulimia Nervosa This eating disorder is characterized by episodes of overeating, followed by vomiting, called binge-purge.
Body Mass Index This is a way of measuring obesity, abbreviated BMI.
Need This is a motivated state caused by a physiological deficit.
Plateau This is the second stage of the sexual response cycle.
Drive-Reduction Theory This theory of motivation says that a physiological need creates a drive that motivates us to satisfy the need.
Instincts These are our inherited automatic species-specific behaviors.
Orgasmic Disorder This sexual disorder is characterized by difficulty in achieving an orgasm in women.
Resolution This is the last stage of the sexual response cycle.
False True or False: Sex rates in the US are higher than in Western European countries.
Homosexuality Sexual attraction toward members of our own sex.
Anorexia Nervosa This eating disorder occurs when a person diets and becomes significantly underweight and yet still feels fat and continue to starve their selves.
Drive This is a state of psychological tension induced by need, which motivates us.
Affiliation This is the need to feel connected to a group.
Testes Sexual arousal in males declines if these are removed.
Ancel Keys This American scientist conducted the Minnesota Starvation Experiment.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI/STD) Unprotected sex has led to an increase in adolescent rates of this.
Instinct Theory This theory on motivation says that physical and mental instincts cause us to act.
True True or False: Left-handed people are more likely than right-handed people to be gay or lesbian.
Arousal Theory This theory on motivation assumes that each of us has an optimal level of arousal necessary to perform tasks.
Set Point This is the point at which an individual’s weight is supposedly set.
Hypothalamus Stimulating this part of the brain also increases and decreases hunger.
Sexual Orientation A person’s sexual attraction toward members of a particular gender is called this.