English Language Learner Assessments New Testing Coordinator Workshop Yutzil Becker SDDOE 605.773.4698 Jonathan Nesladek SDDOE.


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Presentation transcript:

English Language Learner Assessments New Testing Coordinator Workshop Yutzil Becker SDDOE Jonathan Nesladek SDDOE

Acronyms ELL- English Language Learner (State term) LEP- Limited English Proficient (Federal term) WIDA- World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment –Consortium that provides W-APT and ACCESS W-APT- WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test –Screener Test ACCESS- Assessing Comprehension and Communication in English State-to-State for English Language Learners –Annual summative assessment for all identified ELL students until they meet exit criteria LAP- Language Acquisition Plan –Education plan for ELL students

Initial Identification Process Identification, screening, and parental notification of potential ELL students must be given within 30 days of enrollment. Once school is underway, the school has 2 weeks to complete this process

First Step in the Identification Process Home Language survey: ns.pdf ns.pdf Must be administered to all new students

Second Step in the Identification Process The student has indicated another language other than English The student should then be screened with the W-APT (WIDA ACCESS Placement Test), known as the “screener”

WIDA World-class Instructional Design and Assessment WIDA is a consortium of states dedicated to the design and implementation of high standards and equitable educational opportunities for English Language Learners South Dakota is 1 out of 36 states that are part of the WIDA consortium

WIDA WIDA provides South Dakota with ELL assessments -W-APT -ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 -Alternate ACCESS Professional Development ELL Standards

W-APT WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test “Screener” Determine eligibility for language support services An indicator of a student’s language proficiency (level 1 through 6) Help determine appropriate levels and amounts of instructional services

W-APT: Background Aligned to WIDA ELD Standards 5 grade level cluster forms: K, 1-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12 Results in scores from proficiency levels 1 – 6 Fully adaptive Individually administered

Kindergarten W-APT: What components should be administered ? Listening and Speaking (combined into Oral Proficiency component) -Assesses oral English proficiency Reading and Writing tests -For students in mid-K through mid-Grade 1 Kindergarten W-APT should not be given earlier than May prior to entering KG

W-APT South Dakota’s Identification Criteria CrELLs.pdf

What now? If student tested not proficient Student will be identified as LEP in Infinite Campus Parent notification letter ELL student will be enrolled in the school district’s Core ESL program

How do I access the W-APT? FREE and downloadable Login/password is needed District testing coordinators should have received an from WIDA with their username and password

Testing Coordinator WIDA Accounts Your account gives you the ability to create new user accounts, deactivate users, view quiz history for users in your district, and download W-APT materials. You also have the ability to let other users have access to the W-APT forms

Testing Coordinator Accounts

W-APT Training Resources Log in W-APT Administrator checklist -Prior to administration of the test -During the test -After the test W-APT Training webinars -KG - 27 minutes -Grades minutes Read the Testing Administrator Manual

IMPORTANT! Classify LEP students in Infinite Campus!

Administration In , the WIDA Consortium will begin administration of a newly developed ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 An online assessment will replace the current paper-based version of ACCESS for ELLs for Grades 1-12 A paper-based assessment will continue to be available as an accommodation Paper will also be available for schools that are unable to move fully online for  Kindergarten ACCESS & Alternate ACCESS will continue to be paper- based in  W-APT continues to be paper-based until Spring of 2016 Grades 1-12 will be online

Testing Schedule

Testing Vendor Data Recognition Corporation (DRC) will serve as the operational test vendor for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0, both online and paper

ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Secure large-scale English language proficiency assessment administered to K- 12th grade students that have been identified as English Language Learners Online Grades 1-12 Given annually to measure English language proficiency ELL students take ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 annually until the meet they exit criteria

ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Aligned with the WIDA English Language Proficiency Standards -Language of Language Arts -Language of Math -Language of Science -Language of Social Studies -Social and Instructional Language

ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Note that the Writing Domain for the online ACCESS 2.0 Grades 1-3 forms will continue to be administered on paper

Order of Administration for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Online Staged adaptive, meaning students will progress through the test based on their performance on previous folders

Administration of ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 (Online) Domains may be administered across multiple days A single domain may not be broken into separate administrations Online platform will not have a limit on the number of students who can test at one time Speaking, it is recommended that groups of 5-7 students or less test simultaneously so that that headsets don’t capture other voices Different grades may test at the same time

ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Paper Available for districts who are unable to test online The paper test will also be available for situations in which a student is unable to test online, as outlined in an IEP, 504 Plan, or LAP

ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Paper New grade clusters: –Transitional form in : Grade K, 1, 2, 3, 4-5, 6-8, 9-12 –Beginning : Grade clusters will align with the online clusters Media-delivered Listening and Speaking –Test Administrators will play pre-recorded prompts Speaking: Updated Scoring Scale, Rules, and Procedures –Individually administered with pre-recorded prompts –Test Administrators will score student responses locally

Key Differences For more information about the key differences between ACCESS 2.0 online and ACCESS 2.0 paper, please visit: 0.aspx#whatsNew

Training Materials Current and Upcoming Resources:  Sample Items for the Public – now available!  September – October 2015:  WIDA Assessment Management System and User Guides  New web-based Modules for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 (Training Course)  Test Administrator Manuals  Live webinars for district staff by role  Test Demos/Test Practice  Live Q&A Webinars, 1 st Wednesday of the month, Oct- April

Training Information

Technology Requirements Technology requirements for the online test are listed on the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 webpage: –Headphones are necessary for all domains –Headsets/headphones with built in microphones are an additional requirement for the Speaking test

Alternate ACCESS Have significant cognitive disabilities that prevent their meaningful participation in the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 assessment Students in grades 1-12 Participation Criteria : access.aspx#Participation Criteria

WIDA (AMS) Assessment Management System One stop resource for all tools needed for ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 administration

WIDA (AMS) Assessment Management System Within the system, designated staff may:  Access any needed user guides or software downloads  Add students for test sessions  Designate accommodations  Create test sessions  Print test tickets  Monitor student progress  View/print reports

Additional Resources

Questions? Contact Yutzil Becker: Jonathan Nesladek: DRC Customer Service with any questions at or WIDA Client Services Center at or