The Narrative Guidelines
Narrative Writing A narrative essay: --Is based on personal experience --Tells a story --Reveals an insight about the action or people involved
The Epiphany A narrative essay shows an insight the writer gained from his / her experience (called an “epiphany”). A turning point in your life--perhaps a time when you were forced suddenly to grow up, a time when you faced a difficult challenge, or a time when you reassessed your values. Common narrative essay topics include: Being exposed to a culture different from your own Immigration / Emigration
The Narrative Essay Format The narrative essay moves the reader towards some insight into the experience. Such essays have a basic, three-part organizational framework: BeginningMiddleEnding
Patterns of Organization Organizational Pattern 1 Retell the first stage of the experience Beginning Continue describing the experience Middle Discuss the epiphany (the meaning of the experience) Ending
Patterns of Organization Organizational Pattern 2 Provide background information and a focal point or insight / epiphany Beginning Describe in detail the experience(s) that led to the insight / epiphany Middle Reflect on the experience, for example, by discussing its deeper meaning, implication, or irony. Ending
Patterns of Organization Organizational Pattern 3 Provide background information and a question about your topic. Beginning Describe in detail the experience(s) that lead to an answer to the question you raised in the beginning. Middle Answer the question you raised in the beginning, or explain why the question cannot be answered. Ending
How to Start: Prewriting Strategies Free writing:To write without stopping to worry about spelling, grammar, or structure. Try to write consistently for at least five minutes. Listing / Brainstorming:To list words / phrases quickly. Clustering: To create a visual map of ideas (shows how ideas connect to one another)
Prewriting Strategies (ctd.) Listing / Brainstorming:To list words / phrases quickly. An Unforgettable Experience: The 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake 7.1 on the richter scale Violent and scary I was twelve years old I was in the garage Everything crashed to the floor My pet dog hid under the bed Lasted 30 seconds Sounded like a train crashing through the house
Prewriting Strategies (ctd.) An Unforgettable Experience: I rmbr the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake as an unforgettable experience. I was 12 yrs old at the time and was in my parents garage….The house, well it started shaking violently. At first I didn’t really know what was going on….it felt like a train was running through the house at top speed. I looked outside and could see trees swaying so violently that they were hitting the ground on either side. This vase my mom owned, well, it feel on off of the top of the piano where she kept it, rolled off the keys, and fell onto the floor, perfectly upright. I was really surprised that it didn’t break because it was an antique and very breakable. I rmbr that image the most for some reason, of the vase. So anyway, afterwards (it lasted like 30 seconds), we couldn’t find my pet dog for a long time, and i was scared that she had somehow escaped and run away. We found her underneath my bed, scared and shaking. We had about 3 big after schocks that nite--at least 5.0. Free writing: To write without stopping to worry about spelling, grammar, or structure. Try to write consistently for at least five minutes.
Prewriting Strategies (ctd.) An Unforgettable Experience: Clustering: To create a visual map of ideas (shows how ideas connect to one another) The Loma Prieta Earthquake Violent and Scary Very loud 7.1 on richter scale Lasted 30 seconds Visual Details Mom’s vase The trees outside Aftermath Many big aftershocks Couldn’t find my pet dog Main Idea (Thesis) Point 1 Point 2 Point 3
Writing the Essay: Tips Use the prewriting strategies to draft your essay Try various patterns of organization until you find one you like Don’t worry too much about grammar or spelling in your first draft: work primarily on content and organization Proofread and edit for grammar / spelling in your second draft Talk to Katie when you need help!