MODULE V 12 – 18 months
A. Physical Milestone Your baby is more active now that she can walk unaided, but her growth slows since she's less interested in food. With every day, she becomes more coordinated and confident in her newfound abilities. By 12 months, she'll probably creep up the stairs whenever you remove the gate. She can scribble on paper using a fat crayon and point to an object with her index finger. She's good with a fork and spoon, but would much rather play with them than use them to eat.
Smart Strategy for Caregiver Let your child explore on her own as much as possible, but keep an eye on her at all times so her curiosity doesn't get her into trouble. Push-along toys are favorites at this age as are wheeled trucks, trains, and pull-along animals. Shape-sorter toys, simple puzzles and lots of different types of balls to kick and throw are also smart choices.
B. Developmental Milestone Your child will begin to use words and gestures to make his needs and wants known. This is a good time to introduce drinking from a cup at mealtimes since it fosters his growing independence. Finger foods become important now and you may have trouble getting him to eat certain foods he used to love.
Smart Strategy for Caregiver It's vital that you allow him to feed himself even though it's messy and he won't end up eating that much. Keep mealtimes as pleasant as possible and don't force feed him. He should eat three meals a day, plus a couple of healthy snacks. Try to focus on fruits, vegetables, and grains as the greater part of his diet; only about 20 percent of his calories should come from meat, eggs, and dairy products.
C. Emotional Milestone Your one-year-old will now really show how she feels -- she'll smile when you praise her and cry when you scold her. She may begin to throw tantrums when she gets angry. At this stage of emotional development, she doesn't follow rules and warnings very well yet.
Smart Strategy for Caregiver At this age, you need to apply discipline swiftly yet gently to help her link her behavior to its consequences. Consistency is key -- "no" should always be "no" when it comes to safety limits you have set. Praise her efforts to cooperate with you and try not to hold grudges against her when she balks, which she will at times.
D. Cognitive Milestone Now is when you can really see your baby's mental ability growing. He'll recognize his name and may point to a familiar body part like his nose or toes when you ask him. He realizes that everyday objects like telephones and brushes have unique functions, and knows where certain objects belong. He even can tell when a book is upside down!
Smart Strategy for Caregiver: You can further his cognitive development by matching words with objects and actions; this will reinforce connections. For instance, each time you see a dog, say "doggie." When you say it's time for dinner, let him see you cooking; when its time for bath, show him how you run the water to fill the tub.
E. Immunization 6 to 18 months -- Third dose of Hepatitis B (Hep B), if he hasn't already had it. 12 to 15 months -- Pneumococcal Conjugate (PCV) 12 to 15 months -- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) 12 to 15 months -- H. influenzae type b (Hib) Booster 12 to 18 months -- Varicella (Chicken pox), if he hasn't had Chicken pox 15 to 18 months -- Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTap)