Welcome to Year 2 Thank you for all your support with the summer holiday projects
PE will be on Monday and Thursday afternoons at present- Children need to have their full PE kit in at all times. PPA is Wednesday afternoons. Beech class will have Mrs Winfield and Mrs Tuttle. Poplar class will have Mrs Taylor and Mrs Pitt.
Behaviour High expectations in classroom and around school Good manners expected Respect for others Some routines have changed- thinking space
We need children to be ready to learn, focused, a good nights sleep and breakfast will set them up for a good day! We have high expectations- we expect children to show us quality work as well as building up their stamina to write more as they progress. Presentation and handwriting is important. Please encourage your child /children to talk about what they have been learning at home. We use clear Learning Objectives LO with Success criteria to give them a scaffold and support learning.
Purple pens for children to edit and improve their work. I- Independent SG- Support given G- Guided group Marking feedback for the children A wish- what we would like the children to do next time or improve. Something that your child has achieved
Spelling, punctuation and grammar Nouns- common and proper Verbs Adverbs Adjectives Similes., ?!"capital letters '
statements, questions, commands, exclamations past and present tense plurals Noun phrases coordinating/subordinating conjunctions (but, and, or- when if because) word endings Prefixes suffixes
-Problem solving- children apply the skills they have learnt - Mental recall of : -Number bonds to 10 and 20 (and linking to higher numbers) -Doubling and halving -Counting up in 2’s, 3’s, 5’s and 10’s. -Different strategies: - Using a number line to count on or back -Using a hundred square -Numicon -Put the highest number in your head and count on. -RUCSAC -Read, Understand, Calculate, Solve, Answer, Check
Homework Please find time to support your child. Please use the reading record book to tell us how your child read and what they read. Children need to be spelling their HFW correctly, which are in the reading record. Incorporate spelling words into a sentence to consolidate meaning, talk about punctuation and handwriting. Maths homework and spellings sent out Wednesdays and return following Monday. Homework helps to consolidate learning which has happened in class.