Holy Rood Catholic Primary School Year 3 Transition Evening Tuesday 23 rd June 2015
SEPTEMBER 2015 HEADTEACHER: Miss Fry ASSISTANT HEADTEACHER: Mrs Hopkins ASSISTANT HEADTEACHER: Miss Gemoli THE OFFICE: Mrs Toop-Rose, Mrs Deighton, Mrs Lepore & Mrs Sugg Class 8: Jaguars Teacher: Miss Gemoli Teaching Assistant: Mrs Tarkowska Mrs Cullingford Class 7: Panthers Teacher: Miss Patani Teaching Assistant: Mrs Pajak Mrs Finnell Mrs Kitchen - SENCo HLTA: Mrs Tarkowska, Mrs Finnell & Mrs Pajak Teacher: Mrs Vallis STAFF
Catholic education today Over 2000 primary schools (54 in Clifton Diocese) 450 secondary schools (10 in Clifton Diocese) 800,000 pupils and students 40,000 teachers 30,000 governors Independent (9) and special schools (2) Academies
A Christian, Catholic Community Christocentric Gospel values Religion, a core subject High expectations - excellence Friendship and respect
Holy Rood Catholic Primary YR YR Y2 Y1 Y3 Y2 Y1 Y3 Y5 X Y4 X Y6 X Y5 X Y4 X Y6 X Holy Rood Catholic Primary School Groundwell Road Site Upham Road Site KS1 KS2 Upham Road Site Holy Rood Primary Holy Cross Primary
Breakfast Club and Walking Bus Breakfast Club will still operate at the Groundwell Road Site for the Year 3 children. After Breakfast there will be a ‘Walking Bus’ to the Upham Road Site.
School Dinners Meals will be provided by Pabulum, our current caterer The cost will be £2.10 per day Menus will be published on ParentPay website where you make your child’s selection and payment
Free School Meals are available to families who receive the following benefits:- Income Support Income Based Jobseekers Allowance Guaranteed Pension Credit NASS Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 An Income-Related Employment and Support Allowance Child Tax Credit, who do not receive Working Tax Credit AND who have an annual taxable income of less than £16,190
We will be celebrating International Days together
PFA Holy Rood Primary will have it’s own PFA. We will continue to have individual and joint events
Sporting Activities Holy Rood will continue to have our own Sports Day And After School Clubs
Shared Events Some shared Assemblies Whole School Masses Celebration Assemblies Theatre Group Shows Book Fair Music Roadshows Faith Weeks Easter Celebrations Parents Evenings School Photographer Visit Confessions Sponsored Walk Talent Show
Shared Sessions Swimming Programme Meal Times Break Times Martial Arts Programme Violin
Data Protection To keep all the children safe and provide pastoral care to all the children on the Upham Road site we will be required to share information. This will include: Statemented Children’s Needs Health Care Plans Child Protection Issues Photograph Permissions Please be assured that the information will only be shared with appropriate members of staff following current procedures and protocols
Holy Rood Primary School Governors Governors are crucial to the effective running of the school Our Governors are committed to ensuring that this sharing period is as harmonious as possible
Communications Communication is key. We use the following methods: Letter Telephone Teachers2Parents Newsletter Suggestion Box Parent View
Parking at the end of the day is permitted on the school playground. Please be careful as the playground can get very busy. Alternatively, parking is allowed at Immanuel Church on Upham Road, just a short walk away.
SAFEGUARDING Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Miss Naomi Fry and the Deputy DSL Mrs Christine Hopkins and Miss Luisa Gemoli If you have any concerns relating to a pupil in our school please do not hesitate to contact us immediately.
Thank you for attending our transition meeting.