UNLESS YOU ARE CONVERTED 2 nd Sunday of Abib 1728/2012
(S T. P ETER & S T. P AUL D OXOLOGY ) Peter and Paul, trampled the power of Satan, and restored the nations, to the faith of the Trinity
For who has stood in the counsel of the L ORD, And has perceived and heard His word? Who has marked His word and heard it? Jer 23:18
1. O NE QUESTION At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “ Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven ?” Matt 18:1
They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being detestable, disobedient, and disqualified (rejected) for every good work. Tit 1:16
S T. G REGORY OF N YSSA "If we truly think of Christ as our source of holiness, we shall refrain from anything wicked or impure in thought or act and thus show ourselves to be worthy bearers of his name. For the quality of holiness is shown not by what we say but by what we do in l ife."
2. O NE C ONDITION 2 Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, 3 and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Matt 18:2,3
Brethren, do not be children in understanding; however, in malice be babes, but in understanding be mature. 1 Cor 14:20
3. O NE SIGN 4 Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matt 18:4
Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for “ God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” 1 Pet 5:5
F ATHER D OROTHEOS Humility saves us from all tricks of the enemy... There is nothing stronger than humility.
And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Gal 5:24
S T A UGUSTINE "I (Christ) am the food of full- grown men. Grow and you shall feed on me. But you shall not change me into your own substance, as you do with the food of your body, instead you shall be changed into me “. Confessions, VII 10 (PL 32, 742) ed & trs. R.S. Pine-Coffin, Penguin 1971, p. 147.