Barbara White, HIT 191 E Ticket, School of Information Technology HIT 191 E Ticket Assessment 1
Barbara White, HIT 191 E Ticket, School of Information Technology Criteria Sheet What is it? Assignment 140% Using information retrieval skills to develop : 2 – 3 page (1000 word) Word Document + annotated bibliography Due Monday Week 10 – May screen PowerPoint presentation Include a 1 – 2 page reflective critique
Barbara White, HIT 191 E Ticket, School of Information Technology Task Select and research two topics. For one topic, prepare a 2 – 3 page Word document For the other topic, prepare a 10 – 15 screen PowerPoint presentation Match information to the most appropriate presentation tool. Include – an annotated bibliography and, – a short reflective essay explaining your choices of medium for the two topics and challenges you resolved in completing this piece of work.
Barbara White, HIT 191 E Ticket, School of Information Technology Research Use a minimum of 3 web sites or other online sources to find your information (don’t use books) me the topic you have selected at Write a short critical synopsis of sites where you found your information indicating why you believe the content to be reliable. – this is your annotated bibliography
Barbara White, HIT 191 E Ticket, School of Information Technology Word Document Create 2 – 3 pages max. to describe and explain your information Use all the formatting and design tools you have learned to demonstrate your mastery of Word Make sure that you include appropriate page identification Include the bibliography in this document.
Barbara White, HIT 191 E Ticket, School of Information Technology PowerPoint Presentation Use 10 – 15 screens max. to communicate your information information Use effects judiciously to enhance your messageUse effects judiciously to enhance your message Make sure that you include appropriate page identificationMake sure that you include appropriate page identification Ensure that you use this visual medium appropriately.Ensure that you use this visual medium appropriately.
Barbara White, HIT 191 E Ticket, School of Information Technology Word Criteria In the activity opposite, you developed your own checklist - we did it in class as a group Use this as the criteria sheet you submit for your word document