Holt Earth Science Chapter 1 Section 2
Science as a Process
The Nature of Scientific Investigations SECTION1.2 Methods of Scientists The Nature of Scientific Investigations The independent variable in an experiment is the factor that is changed by the experimenter. A dependent variable is a factor that is affected by changes in the independent variable.
Scientific Method Song Lyrics First you make an observation of the world around Take notes and record all the things that you found Then you ask a simple question something that you want to learn Then you form a hypothesis to explain what you observed Then you make a prediction about how it's gonna go Do a test with a control and variable Then you analyze the data and draw a conclusion Do the scientific method to avoid all confusion Make an observation Ask a question Form a hypothesis And make a prediction Do a test or experimentation Analyze data and draw a conclusion
Assignment: Read through your handout & Complete section 2 review in your handout. Place handout in your 3-ring binder behind your BellWork journal sheet. If you don’t finish during the class time then you need to finish your sheet for Monday. You will take a SOL pre-test Friday in class