Quiz/Review Get out a small piece of paper and put your name on it. When the bell rings, the quiz will begin.
Question 1 Where is the tornado valley?
Question 2 What time a year do tornadoes strike?
Question 3 What is the scale used to measure tornadoes?
Answers 1)Mid west United States. 2)Spring 3)Fujita scale or Enhanced Fujita scale
Winter weather Blizzards and lake effect snow
What is a blizzard A storm that has strong wind and low temperatures. – Winds of 35 mph or more (sustained) – Visibility of less than ¼ mile for at least three hours.
Where do Blizzards strike? Strike anywhere that is subject to snow. Northern US, Russia, Mountain areas (usually high latitudes)
When to blizzards hit? During cold winter months but usually occur during coldest months like January and February.
What is Lake Effect Snow? When winds cross warmer waters and “pick- up” water vapor. Wind blows storm clouds over land were it falls as snow. Fulton, New York after a snowburst dropped 5–6 feet of snow over most of Oswego County between January 28–31, In February, 2007, a prolonged lake-effect snow event left 141 inches of snow on the Tug Hill Plateau.
How do lake effect storms occur? Fetch (long) – Length of the water the wind flows over. – At least 62 miles Warm water (warmer than air) – Difference of 23 degrees F Steady wind direction and speed (20mph) Orographic lifting – Air cools as it rises, cold air cant hold moisture.
Where do lake effect storms hit? Near the great lakes is most common in the US. Tug Hill gets the most snow in the US (not in the mountains)
Wind Chill Both Lake Effect and Blizzards have a number of hazards to be concerned with but the most important is wind chill.