Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas BobekUniversity of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Andreas Bobek, Hendrik Bohn, Frank Golatowski University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 2nd IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics INDIN´04 24th – 26th June, 2004, Berlin, Germany Voice-based generic UPnPControl Point
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 1 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Voice-based generic UPnPControl Point What is ? What is an UPnP ? What is a UPnP Control Point? How can we make a generic UPnP Control Point ? Outline
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 2 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Scenario / Implementation User Interface Conclusion Outline
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 3 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 1. What is UPnP / 2. What is an UPnP Control Point? -UPnP = Universal Plug and Play -supports ad-hoc networking of devices and services -only protocols are defined (UDP, TCP, SOAP, SSDP, GENA, HTTP) -independent of programming language, operating system and transmission medium -six phases: addressing, discovery, description, control, eventing, and presentation -defines three communicating components: device, service, control point
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 4 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering -role: server -offers services -may contain other devices -“root device” -characterized by properties such as model number, model name, vendor... -uniquely identifiable by UUID -interface to the device -offers actions and URLs for controlling, eventing, and presentation -manages its state in state variables 1. What is UPnP / 2. What is an UPnP Control Point?
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 5 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering -role: client -searches for devices and/or services -invokes actions (at services) -requests state variables 1. What is UPnP / 2. What is an UPnP Control Point?
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 6 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 1. What is UPnP / 2. What is an UPnP Control Point?
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 6 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 1. What is UPnP / 2. What is an UPnP Control Point?
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 7 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 3. What is a generic UPnP Control Point? -Device-specific Control Point -tailored to special purposes (comfortable user interface is possible) -usable with according device type only (TV remote control => TV, heating control => heater) -Generic Control Point -each UPnP Device is controllable -less comfortable than specific Control Points Device-specific Control Point vs. Generic Control Point
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 8 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 3. What is a generic UPnP Control Point? Example for a generic Control Point “Test Tool” by Siemens
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 9 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 4. How can we make a generic Control Point voice-based? what we need: -speech recognition (Speech Recognition Engine) -synthesizing of speech (Text-to-Speech Engine) what we can use: -VoiceAPI which implements both engines -VoiceXML Browser which contains the VoiceAPI
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 10 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 4. How can we make a generic Control Point voice-based? VoiceAPI VoiceAPI consists of: -Speech Recognition Engine (for speech recognition) -Text-to-Speech Engine (for synthesizing speech) -Voice Recorder (to record audio data) -Audio Player (to play back existing audio data)
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 11 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 4. How can we make a generic Control Point voice-based? VoiceXML Browser vs. HTML Browser
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 12 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering UPnP Control Point Component 4. How can we make a generic Control Point voice-based?
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 13 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 4. How can we make a generic Control Point voice-based? Coupled Architecture -Communication between all components is based on programming language specific messages. -Application has direct access to VoiceAPI. -VoiceAPI recognizes spoken words and notifies the application. -Application uses VoiceAPI for speech synthesis. -for local networks only
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 14 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 4. How can we make a generic Control Point voice-based? Decoupled Architecture -Communication between voice component is based on request-response cycles using VoiceXML over HTTP. -Every communication process has to be initiated by the VoiceXML browser (client). -Control in local and remote networks is possible (e.g. remote control of house or car).
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 15 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Decoupled Architecture 5. Scenario / Implementation Our Implementation
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 16 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 5. Scenario / Implementation
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 16 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 5. Scenario / Implementation
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 17 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 5. Scenario / Implementation Device Description
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 18 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 5. Scenario / Implementation Service Description
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 19 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 5. Scenario / Implementation
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 19 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 5. Scenario / Implementation
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 20 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 6. User Interface
Voice-based generic UPnP Control Point Andreas Bobek Slide 21 of 21 University of Rostock Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering 7. Conclusion -The set up of a voice-based generic UPnP Control Point is feasible. -The generic user interface is based on the standardized UPnP device and service description. -Our concept works without adaptation of UPnP services. -Configuration (e.g. additional graphical configuration tool) improves user friendliness. -The coupled and decoupled architectures meet the needs of local and remote control in UPnP networks.