Remote Monitoring Pratheeba Murugesan Tejo Harisha Brundavana
Synopsis Viewing Desktop operations in a computer from a different system connected in the network. Server program uses TCP/IP sockets to listen for connections.
Tools Used MFC Dialog based programs by using Visual C++ 6. Socket functions by MFC class CAsyncSocket
Phases of Development Design Implementation Testing
Design Phase Screen capturing – Windows Desktop image is retrieved and saved. Central computer monitors desktop images. Consists of : o Server – Needs no window and GUI elements o Client – Run in centralized computer
Implementation Phase Server uses two socket objects 1) Binds to the port and listens for any incoming client request. 2) A new socket for data transfer.
Implementation Phase (1) Client is a dialog box based program Implemented by MFC class Cdialog Main Display window and set of controls provided in the dialog box. Single socket for receiving bytes from the server.
Testing Phase Unit Testing conducted on methods : Server : class CSocketServer (inherited from CAsyncSocket) class CDesktopServerDlg (inherited from CDialog) Client : class CDataSocket (inherited from CAsyncSocket) class CRemoteViewerDlg (inherited from Cdialog)
Working Model
Future Implementation Remote control of the server machine. Multi System Remote Monitoring - By using multiple sockets, images can be simultaneously captured from different systems. Video Conferencing - By using cameras, images can be dynamically transmitted to different systems
Questions and Suggestions?