The Library of Alexandria The first known library to attempt to collect every book in existence and so store all the World's knowledge.
Difficult to know exactly what happened but it seems to have been destroyed wholly or partly on four occasions:
1.Accidentally by Julius Caesar 48 BC
Difficult to know exactly what happened but it seems to have been destroyed wholly or partly on four occasions: 1.Accidentally by Julius Caesar 48 BC 2.By the Emperor Aurelian AD
Difficult to know exactly what happened but it seems to have been destroyed wholly or partly on four occasions: 1.Accidentally by Julius Caesar 48 BC 2.By the Emperor Aurelian AD 3.A Coptic Christian mob by decree of a Coptic Pope AD 391 to destroy all “pagan” material
Difficult to know exactly what happened but it seems to have been destroyed wholly or partly on four occasions: 1.Accidentally by Julius Caesar 48 BC 2.By the Emperor Aurelian AD 3.A Coptic Christian mob by decree of a Coptic Pope AD 391 to destroy all “pagan” material 4.Muslim Conquest >642 AD