15-16/3/04 DCS workshop G. De Cataldo, A,.Franco and A. Tauro 1 Answers from the HMPID to the ACC questions 1.Concerning global DCS overview drawing 2.Concerning cooling and gas 3.Concerning interlocks 4.Concerning Front End Electronics 5.Concerning remote access to DCS
15-16/3/04 DCS workshop G. De Cataldo, A,.Franco and A. Tauro 2 URD’s HMPID Drawing Overview
15-16/3/04 DCS workshop G. De Cataldo, A,.Franco and A. Tauro 3 Updated Overview details are in red
15-16/3/04 DCS workshop G. De Cataldo, A,.Franco and A. Tauro 4 HMPID Gas schematic
15-16/3/04 DCS workshop G. De Cataldo, A,.Franco and A. Tauro 5 State diagram of the Gas system Gas STOP From the HMPID DCS The workstation running PVSS and the gas control program will be provided by the HMPID. The control program (PVSS+PLC) will be provided by the EP-TA1-GS group. It will let the user to operate the gas system according to the diagram in the figure and the HMPID DCS to acquire the system state. The control program will not accept commands from the HMPID DCS except the global STOP. This is foreseen in case of breaking of one of the C6F14 radiator.
15-16/3/04 DCS workshop G. De Cataldo, A,.Franco and A. Tauro 6 Cooling We agree that the HMPID user will be able to set the detector temperature. The set and measured parameters (Temp.,flow..) have to be archived. The TS/CV PVSS control program will provide the system logical state ( STOP, TEST, STAND-BY and RUN) to the HMPID DCS. Wishes For test reasons, it would be good for the HMPID to have the possibility to issue a STOP command to the cooling system selecting one of the module. In case of over temperature or failure of the cooling system, an interlock line should be activated. So far both the STOP command and the standard/logic of the interlock line have not yet discussed. Note: each HMPID module is equipped with some independent temperature sensors for the FERO temperature monitoring. PT100 IN PT100 OUT Although still under investigation, to control the detector temperature at least two PT100 sensors, one at the input of the cooling copper pipe on each HMPID module and the other to the output, are foreseen. In this way the control system will automatically adapt the input water temperature (and/or the flow) to the dissipated power (by the FERO sectors) in the module. The control program (PVSS+PLC) will be provided by the CERN TS/CV group while the workstation running PVSS will be provided by the HMPID group.
15-16/3/04 DCS workshop G. De Cataldo, A,.Franco and A. Tauro 7 Concerning hardwired cross-system interlocks Low Voltage/FEE CAEN SY1527 PVSS JCOP FW, SMI++, CAEN OPC High Voltage CoolingGas C6F14 Circulation Physical parameters PLC S300 STEP 7, Simens OPC WIENER PL500F8 External Interlocks: DSS,CSAM Cooling WS (running a PVSS control?) Gas WS running a PVSS control The hardwired interlocks connecting the HMPID subsystems are shown at the bottom of the figure. The gas system will release a normally open relay when the gas is “bad” and the gas system will be put in the STOP state (that will be notified to the HMPID DCS). In the already installed HMPID scheme, the opening of the (e.g.) Gas Interlock relay, removes +12 Volt from the SY1527 remote power ON input (12 V 50 mA) and the Wiener interlock input (accepting + 5 Volt, 10 mA). In this way the HMPID HV-LV can be switched OFF at the same time. For the Cooling system, although not yet defined, a similar normally open relay (?) could be released in case of cooling failure. Will the DSS and CSAM interlocks signal be provided with the same logic? The HMPID DCS, in addition to the internal interlocks, is also provided of software HV-LV corss-system Interlocks reacting in case of LV sector failure.
15-16/3/04 DCS workshop G. De Cataldo, A,.Franco and A. Tauro 8 HMPID FEE/FERO configuration Each configuration of the FE Electronics requires 7 Pedestal files and 7 threshold files (both ASCII files) for a total of 10 Mbyte/configuration. HMPID DCS Remote access A whish is to have the full DCS remote control A must is at least the DCS monitoring.