SHOW.US.THE.FATHER_ CHICAGO.IL MONDAY_ A E The rapture is in us now. I will prove it by the Gospel. "Those who He called He justified,.. those..He justified, He hath glorified." Hallelujah. Then in heaven today we're a glorified in the Presence of God right now. I'm just pushing out to it. Amen. Glory. God's in His Word.
THE.EASTER.SEAL_ PHOENIX. V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ …the Holy Spirit is here to find you. And when It finds you, you recognize Its call. You know the hour you're living. You know that these things are supposed to happen. Quickly you're raptured up to meet It, and now you're setting in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus.
EASTER.SEAL_ PHO. V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ What does it do to our mortal bodies? It turns our opinion, changes our notions. It sets our affections on things which are above, and the smoking, drinking, gambling, the things that you used to do is dead. It's beneath you, and you are quickened, and this quickening power brings your body into a raptured condition already.
ABRAHAM AND HIS SEED AFTER HIM … Abraham's body was changed, Sarah's body was changed, like it never had been changed before... Now, when we all know that when Jesus comes we'll be caught up in a rapture. And we know our bodies will have to be changed first. And it'll... It won't have to be just go back to young men and women,
THE.SECOND.COMING_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_ A I hope I can see Him coming. I believe we're in it now, -- I just hope I live to see the day when I can see them coming from Arizona across the wilderness, and joining hands together for a meeting in the air. What a day that will be.
I CORINTHIANS 15: 51...I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
IDENTIFIED.CHRIST.OF.ALL.AGES. BIRMINGHAM.AL E-12 … we're in a changing dispensation. We're changing now. And every change is like building a building. You come to the corner, you have to make that bend. It's--it's strange, everybody wants to run right straight on down
I CORINTHIANS … we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump : for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
SIRS IS THIS THE TIME JEFF.IN V- 2 N-11 SUNDAY_ E this seventh angel rises in the Laodicean age and begins to sound forth the true trumpet..
BREACH JEFF IN E {247} …I'll raise him up at the last day." No matter if he falls asleep in the first watch, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, or seventh, wherever he falls asleep... The trumpet of God shall sound, that last trump will blast forth the same time that the last angel's giving his message and the last Seal is opened, that last trumpet will sound, and the Redeemer comes forth to take His redeemed possessions: His church, blood-washed.
FIRST.SEAL.THE_ JEFF.IN MONDAY_ {387}...that message drops here for the Last trumpet, last angel's message
I CORINTHIANS … we shall all be changed, 52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump : for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
GOD.IN.SIMPLICITY_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY_ M 58-5 {379} … how is the graves going to open.... It ain't going out there, and the Angels come down and shovel out the graves … " The graves will open. The dead shall walk out." That may be true, but not open the way you say open. See? That's right. See? It won't be like that.
GOD'S.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ V-18 N-2 SUNDAY_ … we've already resurrected, the dynamics and the mechanics is gone to work, quickened us, and we're quickened up into the Presence of God,.. been raised from the dead.
REVELATION 4:1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door [was] opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, I will shew thee Things which must be hereafter.
EASTER.SEAL_ PHOE V-2 N-6 SATURDAY_ The resurrection. We are now in the resurrection. We are setting with Him in the resurrection, but only those who have Life, not those who do not have Life. They won't know it. They'll never know it. They'll go right on thinking they're… being saved, and the rapture will… be over with and gone.
THE.GOD.OF.THIS.EVIL.AGE_ JEFF.IN V-4 N- 9 SUNDAY_ M And we was at Calvary with Him. We went in the grave with Him. And we raised with Him and His resurrection. And now we've ascended, by His Spirit, to the Throne of grace, sitting together in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Always!
INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE_ SHP.LA V-2 N- 15 THURSDAY_ …we're entering another age ; we're entering the raptured age.
Trumpet Revelation 4: IS.THIS.THE.SIGN.OF.THE.END.SIR JEFF.IN V-2 N-11 SUNDAY_ E this seventh angel rises in the Laodicean age and begins to sound forth the true trumpet..
FIRST.SEAL.THE_ JEFF.IN MONDAY_ {387}...that message drops here for the Last trumpet, last angel's message, last Seal opens...
REV.CHAP.4. JEFF.IN ROJC SUNDAY_ John was a type of every true believer that will be summoned by Christ on high... The voice that spoke to him was the voice of the trumpet
SIRS IS THIS THE TIME JEFF.IN V-2 N-11 SUNDAY_ E this seventh angel rises in the Laodicean age and begins to sound forth the true trumpet..
FIFTH.SEAL. JEFF.IN The Church goes up in the 4th chapter of Revelation,
MATTHEW 24:30...then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
MATTHEW 24:31...he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
FUTURE.HOME _ JEFF.IN V-3 N-5 SUN_ Par 35-3 Ephesians 1:10... when the fullness of time has come,... There is no more time, then you go into eternity. After the seventh church age is over (and it is);
REV.CHAP.4. JEFF.IN ROJC SUNDAY_ when the church ages ceased, He left the Earth and moved up into the heavens and called His redeemed up with Him.
I THESSALONIANS 4:17 Then we which are alive [and] remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
BREACH.THE_ JEFF.IN SUNDAY E 93-1 {159}... Elijah was standing there. Moses was standing there. All the apostles were standing there... all the ones that had died, all the holy men, Job, the sages. Everyone was standing there,...