Inhale No-one knows what cries inside a shattered heart Until they find themselves searching for the broken part The piece that forever holds the distance Between their and another's existence Like a polished puzzle smashed on the floor Built from every experience and everything before To speak what you mean isn’t easily said Stated simply you can either lead or be led So inhale.
Summary of Theme This poem is about choice. Even in the midst of difficult times, a person can choose their next move. People who don’t make their own choices let other people and circumstances lead them through life. People who make their own choices create their own paths.
Poetic Devices “Polished puzzle,” “stated simply” and “every experience” are examples of alliteration. They give rhythm to the words. “Cries inside” adds flow because of the internal rhyming. “Like a polished puzzle smashed on the floor” is a simile which gives a visual representation of the pain of a shattered heart.
Why This Poem Was Chosen I like this poem because it says a lot without using extra words. I chose it because it is complicated and uses metaphors and similes to disguise elements of the poem.
Questions What is the theme of this poem? What elements are used for symbolism? What is the mood of the poem? Who is the poem talking about? What is the significance of the poem’s title?