Brand guidelines I Perfect Relations 2007
Before you start Everything we do is underpinned by the Perfect Relations brand, a powerful brand that stands for the best in Public Relations and has done so for more than twenty years. Protecting and building on this strong brand – both online and off – is a corporate strategy designed to promote recognition of our company and best practice services. Branding helps create a belief system of trust, relevance, vision, values, and leadership – a belief system that helps our users relate to us and supports Perfect Relation’s position as the India’s leading PR agency. The Perfect Relations brand guidelines are designed to assist in developing consistency across all of our client facing materials. By providing these guidelines, we hope to achieve consistency in the look, feel, colour, and style that will define the Perfect Relations brand now and into the future.
Our brand today Clients choose Perfect Relations because we have: Unmatched experience Proven market and media knowledge Ability to move, adapt and respond in real time to external stimuli and developments Specialised knowledge in image building exercises Association with over 200 media and industry experts Offices in 14 major cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Kolkata and Hyderabad.
Keywords that describe our brand personality: Respected, trusted, known Vocal, transparent Accepted Indian player Action orientated, dynamic Young, agile, effective Fighting corner, entrepreneurial Responding to customers needs Differentiated, a key player Evolving All design solutions must reflect the business values: integrity, innovation, respect for people, customer focus, teamwork, leadership, performance, community.
Our corporate font
Corporate font Our primary font is Arial No other fonts may be used for any communication internal or external.
Our corporate font - in MS Word documents Our corporate font is Arial on all documentation (MS Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc). Page headers – should be Arial 14 pt bold, Perfect Relations teal Sub headers should be Arial 12 pt bold, black Body text should be Arial 11 pt, black
Our corporate font - in PowerPoint presentations Slide headers – Arial 24pt, Perfect Relations teal First level bullet, as well as body copy (Arial 20 black) Second level (Arial 18) Third level (Arial 16)
Our logo guidelines
Our logo - space and size The logo should be placed at the top left hand side of any document (word, Power Point, excel etc). The Perfect Relations ‘sun/moon’ ident should be centered in silver and white The words ‘Perfect Relations’ should be centered under the Perfect Relations ‘sun/moon’ in white (Arial 14pt) The strap line ‘The science of image management’ should centered under the logo be in black (Arial 9.5pt)
Proportion of the master logo
Logo colours Colour Black & white colour All office business cards must use these colours to ensure consistency
Right use of our logo
Wrong use of our logo
Our corporate colours
The Perfect Relations colour palette is made up of a combination of ‘brights’ and ‘neutrals’. The relevant RGB codes are given so all colours will remain consistent between offices. R 9 G 131 B 194 R 230 G 230 B 230 Perfect Relations Teal R 0 G 153 B 154 R 56 G 52 B 49 R 150 G 150 B 150 R 193 G 9 B 9 R 11 G 193 B 194 R 102 G 194 B 9 R 164 G 8 B 195 R 255 G 204 B 0 R 255 G 0 B 102 BrightsNeutrals
The main Perfect Relations teal should be used as a background to support the logo and can also be used as main headers and slide headers. Where a ‘bright colour’ is used it must be balanced with a neutral colour. So if the header is in Perfect Relations teal, the body text should be in black, white or grey. ‘Bright’ colours should be used sparingly as section dividers in PowerPoint slides, as the main colours in graphs or in diagrams on a white background. Bright colours can be used sparingly as keylines to highlight boxed information. How to use the colours
Bright colours should never be used as body text or block background with text on top of them in any type of document. The only exception is the teal being used in block format on the front cover of a document. Our colours should never be diluted by either changing the transparency level or using them as shaded backgrounds on any documents. How not to use the colours
Our corporate language
UK English While scripting any document please re-confirm that the language used is English (UK) Set all dictionaries in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Lotus Notes as English (UK) by default. Corporate language