Shared tomb of Sir William Neville and Sir John Clanvowe, 1391. --From Alan Bray, The Friend
Suffolk first died: and York, all haggled over, Comes to him, where in gore he lay insteeped, And takes him by the beard; kisses the gashes That bloodily did spawn upon his face; And cries aloud 'Tarry, dear cousin Suffolk! My soul shall thine keep company to heaven; Tarry, sweet soul, for mine, then fly abreast, As in this glorious and well-foughten field We kept together in our chivalry!' Upon these words I came and cheered him up: He smiled me in the face, raught me his hand, And, with a feeble gripe, says 'Dear my lord, Commend my service to me sovereign.' So did he turn and over Suffolk's neck He threw his wounded arm and kiss'd his lips; And so espoused to death, with blood he sealed A testament of noble-ending love. --From Henry V
Memorial of Thomas Legge, Chapel of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. 1619 Below the image of the two hands joined by a flaming heart is the inscription (here translated from Latin), “Love joined them living. So may the earth join them in their burial. O Legge, Gostlin’s heart you still have with you.” --From Alan Bray, The Friend
Marriage or Friendship? Thus I have chalked the way, to prepare you unto Marriage …. Remember that this day ye are made one, and therefore must have but one will. And now the Lord Jesus in whom ye are contracted, knit your harts together, that ye may love one another like David and Jonathan. --Henry Smith, A Preparative to Marriage (1591)