Provisional Squares
In a partisan primary, what should be said to a voter who wishes to vote a ballot for a party other than the one affiliated with the voter? A. “Based on our records, you are registered as a ___. You have asked to vote a different party ballot. At this time, you are not eligible to vote said ballot. However, I can provide you with a provisional of that ballot and the CBE will determine if you are qualified to vote that ballot. The decision will be made at Canvass.” B. “Since you’re registered as a _____, you are only qualified to vote this party’s ballot. You can vote a provisional if you insist on voting the other party’s ballot, but I can’t guarantee that it’s going to be counted.” C. “Why? They’re not gonna win!” XO
If a voter has moved more than 30 days before the election and the new address is in another precinct, what instructions should be given to the voter? A. “You moved from this precinct 30 or more days ago so this is no longer your precinct. To vote your full ballot, you may go to your new precinct or a central location. However, if you choose to, you may vote a provisional here today. Any contests you are qualified to vote based on your new address will be counted before the election is finalized.” B. “You don’t belong here! Go to your new precinct!!” C. “Since you moved more than 30 days ago, you need to vote in your new precinct. You can vote a provisional here if you want to. I can’t tell you if it will be counted.” XO
What instructions should you give to a voter who has moved less than 30 days before the election and has presented to vote at their new precinct? A. “Too bad, so sad! Buh-bye!!” B. “You should go to your old precinct in order to vote your correct ballot. However, if you choose to vote in your new precinct, you can vote a provisional ballot. I can’t say whether it will be counted or not.” C. “You have moved less than 30 days ago so this is not yet your precinct. To vote your full ballot, you may go to your former precinct or a central location. However, you may vote a provisional here if you choose to. Any contests you are qualified to vote will be counted before the election is finalized.” XO
What resources should be checked when researching a person’s voter registration? A. VoterView, VoterScan (Review & Iqueue), Statewide Voter Lookup, DMV Database, NVRA records B. VoterView, VoterScan, Statewide Voter Lookup C. Neighbors, town gossip, Facebook, Twitter O
What should you say to a voter who has no record of registration and wishes to vote? A. “We can’t seem to locate a record for you in the voter list. Would you like to vote a provisional ballot? This will allow the county board of elections the opportunity to research your particular situation.” B. “We can’t seem to find you in our records. Do you want to vote a provisional? I don’t know if it will be counted or not.” C. “Hahahahahahahaha!!!!” XO
What do you write on the provisional ballot before giving it to the voter? A. “Provisional” & VTD Information B. VTD Information C. “Gotcha!!” XO
What information, if any, does the poll worker record on the provisional envelope? A. Date Ballot Cast, Voter’s Name, Poll Book No., Voting Precinct, Ballot Style Issued, Provisional Reason, Comments B. Who has the time to fill anything out?!? C. Date, Voter’s Name, Poll Book No., Regular Precinct, Ballot Style Issued, Provisional Reason O
What belongs in the provisional voting packet that is given to the voter? A. Provisional Ballot and Voting Envelope B. Provisional Ballot, Voting Envelope & Provisional Voting Instructions C. Provisional Ballot, Voting Envelope & Aspirin XO
What is the most important instruction to give to a voter who is voting a provisional ballot? A. Voter may vote in private B. To seal the voting envelope when voter has completed marking the ballot C. To not put the ballot in the tabulator XO