Christ, Our Prophet. One Lord, many roles Hb.1:1-3 “ Spoken to us ” – Prophet “Purged our sins” – Priest “Right hand of Majesty” – King Prophet : spokesman.


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Presentation transcript:

Christ, Our Prophet

One Lord, many roles Hb.1:1-3 “ Spoken to us ” – Prophet “Purged our sins” – Priest “Right hand of Majesty” – King Prophet : spokesman. Without him, no information on King or High Priest

OT Prophet Ex.7:1 MosesGod Moses: role of God (cf. Ps.82:6) Aaronprophet Aaron: role of prophet (cf. Ex.4:16)  Both figurative  Both figurative. Jer.15:19. Hb.1:1-2 “With the idea of a prophet there was this necessarily attached, that he spoke not his own words, but those which he had divinely received” – Gesenius

OT... NT Prophet In widest sense, of everyone who has received communication from God which he utters or interprets. Gn.20:7 Dt.18:15, 18, Moses... Ac.3:22, Jesus Prophet: one who proclaims inspired utterances on behalf of God — ‘prophet, inspired preacher’ – L-N

I. Christ, Our Prophet

Priest speaks to God for people Prophet speaks to people for God 1. Not shady characters. Nah.2:4 / Ezk.1 2. Called directly from God. Jer.1:5; Lk.1: God is unlimited by time

Prophet speaks to people for God 4. False prophet substitutes own words for God’s, Dt.18: Jer.27:15 5. What if ‘signs’ disagree w. prophecy? Dt Unnamed prophet, Jg.6:7-10. This is a test!

Prophets: above kings and priests 7. Four prophets appear to David 1) Gad, 1 Sm.22:5 2) Nathan, 2 Sm.12 3) Zadok, 2 Sm.15:27 4) Heman, 1 Chr.25:5 8. Pashhur, the priest: Jer.20:1-6 Magor-missabib – Terror on Every Side Magor-missabib – Terror on Every Side

Jesus, the Prophet (Hb.1:2)  Jn.1:1-3, 14, 17-18, Word  Jn.6:38, exaltation  Jn.12:48-50, future  Jn.19:11, kings, priests  Jn.19:11 (18:35-36), superior; Judge

I. Christ, Our Prophet II. Is Christ Your Prophet?

Jesus, the Prophet... ❶ Without honor, Mt.13:…57 ❷ Temporary honor, Mt.21:…11 ❸ Prophet of prophecy, Jn.1:21 – I perceive that You are a prophet, 4:19 This is truly the Prophet…to come, 6:14 Truly this is the Prophet, 7:40 He is a prophet, 9:17

Jesus, the Prophet... To benefit from a prophet, must heed his word. Jn.6:45 “I just follow Jesus; I don’t pay much attention to doctrine” Doctrine is teaching. Rejected His teaching, Jn.6:…66 Do they still follow Him? (67-68) What about Naaman?

Prophetic synonyms (OT) GOD GOD ‘saying’ Mt.22:31-32 GOD GOD ‘saying’ Mt.22:31-32 MOSES Mk.12:26 MOSES Mk.12:26 WORD/book Mk.12:26 WORD/book Mk.12:26

Prophetic synonyms (test case)  Rich man: raise Lazarus, Lk.16:27…30  Abraham: Moses & prophets, 29: ‘hear’  God did His part; brothers must do theirs Written miracles Jn.20:30-31 Written miracles Jn.20:30-31 Moses / Prophets still saving... Moses / Prophets still saving... Miracles w/o word do not save Emotions cannot replace obed.

Prophetic synonyms (NT) God, Jn.16:15 Son, Jn.16:15 Spirit Jn.16:13 Ap. / Prop. Jn.16:13 We read... Jn.20:30-31

Rv.19:11-15 King Jesus – power to save Priest Jesus – sacrifice to save Prophet Jesus – directions to save