IEEE Region 3 Meeting Clemson, South Carolina 30 March - 1 April, 2001 Arthur Winston Educational Activities Board
Purpose of Presentation l Provide information about IEEE Educational Activities l Gain a better understanding of Regions’ and Sections’ education needs l Match our resources to your needs l Bring additional benefits to members
IEEE Organization
Vice President * RAB Rep N & A * Finance * PRC * Managing Dir * (w/o vote) RAB Rep TAB Rep At Large ARC Precollege APCLLLCOutreach Policy Board Committees Councils Working Committees CEAA CTAA Cont Ed Products Professional Development Regional Education Society Education Educational Activities Board * OpCom MemberSpecial EAB Initiatives At Large CGAA
IEEE Educational Activities Mission l Recommend education policy and represent IEEE on educational matters l Plan Institute-wide educational activities l Develop and deliver appropriate continuing education products and resources l Establish criteria for academic programs and monitor accreditation activities l Coordinate pre-college programs
Educational Activities Programs l Continuing Education l Professional Development l Pre-college Education Programs l Accreditation l Outreach
Educational Activities Products and Services l Continuing Education Products: l Self-study Courses, Educational Videos, Selected Readings l University and Industry Partnerships l On-Line and CD-ROM Delivery l Some “free” offerings l Professional Development: l IEEE Professional Development Institute l l Career Navigator l Continuing Education Units (CEUs) Program
Pre-College Education l TLC Workshop l Technological Literacy Counts l PEERS l Pre-college Educator/Engineer Resources Site l Deans Summit l International Outreach Effort l EAB volunteers/staff attending Education conferences l Best Practices Conference
Accreditation Activities l Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) l Engineering Accreditation (EAC) l Technology Accreditation (TAC) l Computing Accreditation (CAC) l Substantial Equivalency l Global Accreditation Workshops l Regions 8, 9, 10
Global Education Issues l Need for engineers to participate in life-long learning l Importance of quality in engineering education l Need for technological literacy of all students l promote engineering as a career choice
Career Enhancement Programs l Career Cornerstone Series l CD ROM & 2 videos l Careers for Electrical Engineers l Funded by Sloan Foundation l Website - l Engineers Guides to Business l 11 titles on CD-ROM
Career Asset Manager l Career self-guidance tool allows users to: l Track all education, jobs, projects l Perform a self-analysis of skills l Determine future directions and resources needed l Being migrated to the web on the CareerNavigator site - Dec. 2001
CareerNavigator l IEEE Portal for all the career related programs and products of the Institute l Totally web-centric l Allows career planning through CAM and links to all PDI resources l First release - early 2002
CareerNavigator - cont’d l Will include: l Skills inventory l Gap analysis l Resume builder l Job search site l Career books and other materials l Links to other IEEE and non-IEEE sites
Educational Activities Involved in Region/Section Events l SAIEE EDUTECH 2001 l Johannesburg, South Africa May, 2001 l Open Door Learning - Vienna l ICEECEE - Davos l EUROCON l FIRST l For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology l Project RESEEd
What Can We Do For You? l Section Study Groups l Section Tutorials l Accreditation Workshops l Articles for your members l Region /Section Workshops
How Can You Help Us? l Provide information on your local education needs and issues l Offer outreach opportunities - articles in Region and Section newsletters l Furnish contacts of members interested in pre-college education l Give us feedback on our products and services
EA Questionnaire l Purpose l Help EA understand local needs and constraints l Find better ways to provide information and resources to Sections and Regions l Identify volunteers’ interests