EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning.


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Presentation transcript:

EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects” Phase II Dr. Heinz Baumgarten, STE, at State Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Hamburg Dr. Richard Schlachta; STE at Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Bucharest, 01st to 05th of December 2008 Component 4: Operational Duties / Waste Management Activity 4.1: Support of Harmonizing the IPPC Permitting Process Mission 4.1-8: Support in permitting VOC installations 1 Inspectie: Studii de caz 1.Instalatie de productie de piese pe baza de poliuretan Descrierea procedeului: Captusirea (izolarea) recipientelor din metal cu poliuretan Degresarea recipientelor de metal cu clorura de metil Pulverizarea cu agent adeziv (Primer) Captusirea interioara cu poliuretan: 2 tehnici disponibile: a) Pulverizarea intr-o cabina cu captare a gazelor reziduale si dirijarea lor in aer liber b) Turnarea in forma si intarirea intr-un cuptor de maleabilizare. In prealabil: Pulverizarea cu agenti de separare (COV-uri) a formei concave -> Gaze reziduale prin aspirarea aerului incaperii spre exterior (in aerul liber) Lacuirea exterioara a formelor turnate

EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects” Phase II Dr. Heinz Baumgarten, STE, at State Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Hamburg Dr. Richard Schlachta; STE at Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Bucharest, 01st to 05th of December 2008 Component 4: Operational Duties / Waste Management Activity 4.1: Support of Harmonizing the IPPC Permitting Process Mission 4.1-8: Support in permitting VOC installations 2

EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects” Phase II Dr. Heinz Baumgarten, STE, at State Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Hamburg Dr. Richard Schlachta; STE at Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Bucharest, 01st to 05th of December 2008 Component 4: Operational Duties / Waste Management Activity 4.1: Support of Harmonizing the IPPC Permitting Process Mission 4.1-8: Support in permitting VOC installations 3 Rezultatul inspectiei: Este vorba de o instalatie care necesita o autorizatie, conform Legislatiei Germane de Protectie impotriva Imisiilor Nr Coloana 2 a 4. BImSchV: mai mult de 200 kg/h de poliuretan aplicat in procesul de turnare (chiar daca desfasurarea procedeului are loc doar pe o perioada de timp limitata din cursul zilei) -> Cererea unei autorizatii este necesara! Complexitatea autorizatiei: Depozit ptr materialele folosite, Curatarea recipientelor din metal, Agenti de separare/ Aplicarea adezivilor, Procedeul de Turnare/ Pulverizare (Stropire), Degresarea cu clorura de metil: Cerintele legii 2. BImSchV trebuie respectate: Dupa posibilitati ar trebui sa se treaca la folosirea unei substante de curatare ecologic acceptabila (pe cat posibil, pe baza de apa). Dovada respectarii cerintelor legii 31. BImSchV (Directiva COV-urilor) este necesara: Instalatia de la Nr. 8.1 a Anexei I din 31. BImSchV: Aplicarea de straturi pe sufrafetele de metal- sau material plastic : a) Aplicarea agentilor de separare/adezivi b) Lacuirea pieselor din metal

EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects” Phase II Dr. Heinz Baumgarten, STE, at State Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Hamburg Dr. Richard Schlachta; STE at Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Bucharest, 01st to 05th of December 2008 Component 4: Operational Duties / Waste Management Activity 4.1: Support of Harmonizing the IPPC Permitting Process Mission 4.1-8: Support in permitting VOC installations 4 2. Curatarea pieselor de metal

EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects” Phase II Dr. Heinz Baumgarten, STE, at State Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Hamburg Dr. Richard Schlachta; STE at Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Bucharest, 01st to 05th of December 2008 Component 4: Operational Duties / Waste Management Activity 4.1: Support of Harmonizing the IPPC Permitting Process Mission 4.1-8: Support in permitting VOC installations 5

EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects” Phase II Dr. Heinz Baumgarten, STE, at State Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Hamburg Dr. Richard Schlachta; STE at Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Bucharest, 01st to 05th of December 2008 Component 4: Operational Duties / Waste Management Activity 4.1: Support of Harmonizing the IPPC Permitting Process Mission 4.1-8: Support in permitting VOC installations 6 Rezultatul: Respectarea cerintelor legii 31. BImSchV trebuie dovedita– Activitatea Nr. 2 (Curatarea produselor cu solventi organici) a)Evitarea COV-urilor -> Utilizarea substantelor de curatare sarace in solventi b)Trecerea pe masini de curatare cu functie de recuperare a solventilor folositi

EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects” Phase II Dr. Heinz Baumgarten, STE, at State Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Hamburg Dr. Richard Schlachta; STE at Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Bucharest, 01st to 05th of December 2008 Component 4: Operational Duties / Waste Management Activity 4.1: Support of Harmonizing the IPPC Permitting Process Mission 4.1-8: Support in permitting VOC installations 7 3. Instalatii de aplicare a straturilor – Inaltimea cosurilor Inaltimea cosului se ajusteaza conform VDI 2280: 5 m deasupra acoperisurilor plate si a celor in dinti de fierastrau 5 m deasupra inaltimii maxime a acoperisurilor cladirilor aflate pe o raza de 50 m

EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects” Phase II Dr. Heinz Baumgarten, STE, at State Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Hamburg Dr. Richard Schlachta; STE at Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Bucharest, 01st to 05th of December 2008 Component 4: Operational Duties / Waste Management Activity 4.1: Support of Harmonizing the IPPC Permitting Process Mission 4.1-8: Support in permitting VOC installations 8 4. Instalatii de aplicare a straturilor – Emisii difuze Evitarea spatiilor (locurilor) deschise (Emisii difuze)

EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects” Phase II Dr. Heinz Baumgarten, STE, at State Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Hamburg Dr. Richard Schlachta; STE at Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Bucharest, 01st to 05th of December 2008 Component 4: Operational Duties / Waste Management Activity 4.1: Support of Harmonizing the IPPC Permitting Process Mission 4.1-8: Support in permitting VOC installations 9 5. Inspectie tematica – Poluari cu mirosuri Evitarea spatiilor deschise

EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects” Phase II Dr. Heinz Baumgarten, STE, at State Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Hamburg Dr. Richard Schlachta; STE at Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Bucharest, 01st to 05th of December 2008 Component 4: Operational Duties / Waste Management Activity 4.1: Support of Harmonizing the IPPC Permitting Process Mission 4.1-8: Support in permitting VOC installations 10 Masuratori orientative a substantelor marcatoare (markerilor) cu tubulete de masurare

EU-Twinning Project RO2006/IB/EN-09 “Implementation and Enforcement of the Environmental Acquis at National Level and Coordination of 8 Regional Twinning Projects” Phase II Dr. Heinz Baumgarten, STE, at State Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Hamburg Dr. Richard Schlachta; STE at Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment, Public Health and Consumer Protection Bucharest, 01st to 05th of December 2008 Component 4: Operational Duties / Waste Management Activity 4.1: Support of Harmonizing the IPPC Permitting Process Mission 4.1-8: Support in permitting VOC installations 11 Cosuri asezate prea jos Mirosuri prin ventilarea incaperilor– Necesitatea imbunatatirii evacuarii (aici: laterala)