5 th Grade Reading EQ: How can we work together to ensure that your child’s literacy skills are sufficient for the Georgia Milestones, middle school, and the real world?
Independent Reading I require students to read 25 or more books during the school year: 1 st 9 weeks: 6 books+ 2 nd 9 weeks: 6 books+ 3 rd 9 weeks: 6 books+ 4 th 9 weeks: 5 books+ In class:2+ novels= 25 books
Grading of Independent Reading Books Read Grade 6 books100% 5 books85% 4 books70% 3 books50% 2 books40% 1 book30%
Grading Tests40% Classwork & in class projects 25% Homework (Including the independent reading) 20% Quizzes15%
Class Work I will use a variety of fictional and informational texts to teach reading skills, including: Main Idea Fact and Opinion Bias in Text Sequencing Compare and Contrast Cause and Effect Drawing Conclusions Inference Summarizing Characterization Plot Development Pre-reading Skills Context Clues Word Attack Skills Story Elements Author’s Purpose
5 th Grade Reading Tests: Will reflect Common Core Literacy Standards. Will typically be open book and require students to cite evidence or support for answers. Will include short answer responses as well as multiple choice questions Will require students to read, draw conclusions, and restate ideas. Will certainly help to prep students for Georgia Milestones. Homework: Read for 20 minutes. Why? To make a habit of reading and increase reading level and reading attention span. Comprehension HW will typically be assigned on Monday and due on Thursday. Weekly agenda notes are on my webpage. Online Agenda Notes from Mrs. Jordan