Science and technology
Scientific and technological advances Science and technology have improved the ways that people live. These improvements are called advances.
The printing press Johanes gutenberg invented the printing press in 15 th century
The steam engine James Watt invented the steam engine to change the heat from steam into mechanical energy to do work, in 18 th century.
The telegraph Samuel Morse was invented the telegraph, early 19 th century, a new for of long- distance communication.
The movie projector The Lumiére Brothers were photographers. They invented, late 19 th century, a new projector that showed moving images on a screen.
Antibiotics Alexander Fleming was a scientific who discoverd the first antibiotic: penicillin, early 20 th century.
The mobile phone Martin Cooper invented a phone that he could carry around with him, without wires. Late 20 th century.
Advances in everyday life Scientific and technological advances makje many things faster and easier.
At home Water pipes bring us clean water, gas pipes bring us natural gas. Power lines bring us electricity. Heating and air conditioning systems keep our homes at a comfortable temperature.
In transport Modern cars and buses are fast and comfortable. People can use a global positioning system (GPS) when they are driving. Planes and high-speed trains can travel long distances quickly.
In medicine Doctors can use modern devices, like X-ray machines and MRI scanners. When people donate their blood, organs and other tissues, doctors can use them to help other people. Genetic tests can tell us about diseases.
Advances in communications The letters ICT mean Information and Communications Technology.
Computers Today we can use computers to manipulate and share information very quickly and easily.
A computer needs two differents elements: The physical components of a computer are called the hardware. The programs that make a computer work are called the software.
Computers need two types of hardware to work: A central procesing unit (CPU). Various peripheral devices for input, storage and output.
The CPU contains electronic circuits that let a computer process infomation.
Output devices let us see or hear information as text, images or sound.
Storage devices let us store information, like hard discs, CDs …
Input devices let us put a new informatio nonto a computer.
Peripheral equipment for a computer
A hard disc is an internal storage device. It lets us save programs and other types of information.
External extorage devices let us carry our information around with us.
A monitor is a screen where we can see images and read text.
A mouse let us move the cursor and click on text or images.
A keyboard lets us type in texts and control the computer.
Speakers let us hear sound and play audio material.
A printer lets us print copies of images and text on papers.
A webcam is a digital video camera that can be connected to a computer. We can use it to make video calls.
A modem lets us connect a computer to the internet.
The Internet Computers can work independently or we can connect them to other computers on a network. The Internet is a computer network that lets people all over the world communicate with each other.
To use the Internet, you need: A modem. A telephone line or wireless (WIFI) connection. An Internet server.
The most popular service on the internet is . To send and receive s, you need to open an account with an server. An server lets you send and receive messages from any computer with access to the internet.
This is how an works: The sender is the person who sends the message. The recipient is the person who receives the message. The message ( ) goes to the recipient´s inbox. Then the recipient can open, answer, save, forward or delete the message.
Chats In a chat, many people can communicate instantly with each other. They use a keyboard to type instant messages and to answer other people messages.
Web A website is a source of adapted and accessible information through an Internet browser. Web pages can be loaded from a computer, called Web Server. Web pages can consist of text files or can be read a number of files with code.
A blog is a website that collects chronological texts or articles from one or more authors, the most recent appearing first. Typically, in each article, readers can write their comments and the author to answer them, so it is possible to establish a dialogue. The use or theme of each blog is particular about personal, journalistic, technological, educational, etc. Blog
Differences between a web and a blog : Blogs are generally more informally presented to the visitors. The language used is often much simpler than on websites. In blogs, there is a thing called posts, as what you are reading now. Every post have its own static page but the main page of the blog is dedicated to the series of latest posts in reverse-chronological order. Bloggers often prefer to show around 8-12 recent posts on their blogs main (home) page. Where as there is nothing such in a static website. Even if a website is about tutorials (like Lisa Arby's popular website, The website was launched years ago, when the blogging wasn't quite into the online world.
The major difference between the two types, blog and a static website is about the content refreshment. The major content of website remains the same. Though the webmaster could add additional pages to the website to increase the content, but the order by which the information is presented could not be later changed.
The end By María Lucero Márquez.