An Overview by
Data Entry of beneficiary for every scheme and every year like Name, address, caste, date of birth in excel or word, this same type repetitive work is so tedious to do every year is headache for employee of District Social Welfare Department. Department don’t have check system to avoid duplicate beneficiary. Don’t have System to preserve previous data or Digitalization's of data So department can provide Information Like (RTI) of beneficiary. Manual working need lot of papers, if we can save paper we save trees in this way we maintain good environment by this we SAVE INDIA AND EARTH FROM GLOBAL WARMING……
Data Entry of beneficiary in our software is easy as compare to excel or word and same beneficiary data can use in multiple scheme and for any year. After 3-4 years only 25% beneficiary are new and remaining are in database means 75% of repetitive work is over. By using the sanctioned beneficiary data from Software we can avoid the duplicate beneficiary for same scheme and in same year for multiple scheme. In this way we use check system for duplicate beneficiary. By entering data of beneficiary every year department can preserve previous data and no need of data Digitalization's of manual data and can provide Information Like (RTI) of beneficiary. Digitalization Or Computerization of our government organization by saving paper and tree which is our duty and responsibility, in this way we can SAVE BEAUTIFUL INDIA AND EARTH FROM GLOBAL WARMING……
Entry System Entry Of Basic Information Of Beneficiary Year Wise Beneficiary Form Entry Year Wise Beneficiary Sanctioned Entry
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