GEO Work Plan Symposium 2014 Rifat Hossain World Health Organization Task Coordinator HE-01 Co-chair Societal Benefits IB
C1: Air-borne Diseases, Air Quality and Aeroallergens C2:Water-borne Diseases, Water Quality and Risk C1: A Holistic Approach to Health: Transmission, Urban Health, Linkages, New Tech C3: Vector-borne Diseases Also linked to other tasks and SBAs
Some key achievements of HE01 Berg-en-Dal group on cholera led by CSIR. A very successful HE CoP meeting in Washington DC, July 2013: –Chairs: Rifat Hossain, WHO, Kym Watson, Fraunhofer Institute Germany, Ramesh Dhiman, India, Cecile Vignole, France Cholera Early System at the GEO X Plenary and Summit (World Bank interest) and at the trade fair CeBIT 2014 in Hanover (at the Fraunhofer stand). Disseminated EO2HEAVEN results to the OGC Domain Working Group Health: target to develop requirements for geospatial standards relevant to health and the environment.
Global risk assessment: GEO, GFCS etc. Cholera outbreaks in areas where WASH coverage is poor, and more likely with higher precipitation anomalies e/publications/atlas/report/en/i ndex.html
Cholera: a case for Mali
GIMS: Integrating WASH, Health and Environment Health (& socio-economic) outcomes Environmental perturbations: CC/CV etc. Project lead: Rifat HOSSAIN WASH access: (pre and post MDG) Access to water and sanitation data Levels of access by socio.-economic strata WASH policy and financing WASH financing and policy data Official Development Assistance data from donors
Cross-Task Activities (pls propose 2-3 activities along with practical actions) Links with water task: –GEO Water strategy EO in Water SDG –Stay tuned for the Wednesday talk
Evidence of the Use of Task-related Systems, Datasets, Information Products, and Services (by which communities? use statistics? role of users in implementation?) Strong link to development programmes, like MDGs, SDGs. Policy Linkages (e.g. Conventions, Protocols, International Programmes) …
Challenges, Issues, and Gaps Hindering Progress Insufficient knowledge for assessment Strengthen linkage with other SBA Establish best practices to use data to assess impact and optimize anthropogenic processes Exchange knowledge on models, –uncertainties & assumptions, degree of validation Continued focus on capacity building, in LDCs –Go beyond data
Intervention needed from GEO Members and POs to Achieve 2015 Strategic Targets (pls make this actionable) Lack of coordination: at all levels Insufficient reporting And FUNDING…
In-situ Issues Faced in Implementing GEOSS: In-situ Priorities beyond 2015 Some key data sources beyond the GEO remit