Dark Matter, LSP wino dark matter, satellite data, moduli and non- thermal cosmological history, and LHC Gordy Kane May 2009 PAMELA Physics Workshop
Over two decades ago recognized that one way to “see” dark matter was via products of annihilation of pairs of DM particles in the galaxy Traditionally the lightest superpartner, LSP, a very good DM candidate Annihilate into everything, but positrons, antiprotons, gammas should be easier to see over backgrounds so look for those Recently reported possible satellite signals and relevant data: PAMELA, Fermi/GLAST, etc Dark matter! Not only learn what DM is – could also be the discovery of supersymmetry (if indeed LSP) – may also point toward underlying theory – probes cosmological history of universe! -- Worth lot of effort to untangle the situation, test interpretations – does an LSP give a satisfactory description of the data? maybe
OUTLINE OF TALK Survey of DM approaches PAMELA data light wino LSP? -- issues -- description of data Dark matter relic density from non-thermal-equilbrium cosmological history of the universe – but still “wimp miracle”! High scale underlying theory of this phenomenology, moduli Comments on LHC implications Concluding remarks
Describing the data with dark matter annihilation (a) thermal cosmological history, and describe all data with one component M LSP > 2 TeV -- stable, ≈3x cm 3 s -1 – need enhancement Arkani-Hamed, Weiner et al – heavy hidden sector DM Bergstrom, Edjso, Zaharijas Meade, Papucci, Strumia, Volansky “non-conventional DM” -- decaying DM, lifetime second Arvanitaki, Dimopoulos et al, – DM is singlet of SO(10) 16, like RH Shirai, Takahashi, Yanagida – wino LSP with mass 3 TeV Typically positron ratio rises significantly above 100 GeV (b) non-thermal cosmological history -- ≈ 3x cm 3 s -1, wino LSP, M 200 GeV
WINO LSP VERY WELL MOTIVATED FOR DARK MATTER -- two decades -- anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking (Randall, Sundrum…) -- “split” supersymmetry (Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, …) -- Z’ mediation (Wang, Langacker, Yavin, Paz, Verlinde … ) -- M theory compactified on G 2 manifold (Acharya, Kane, …) -- MSSM scan – (Hewett, Rizzo et al) Wino LSP DM annihilation provides most positrons, most energetic positrons compared to other forms of LSP My perspective today: -- study whether wino LSP provides a satisfactory description of PAMELA, Fermi etc data -- no comments on other approaches
CAN A WINO LSP DESCRIBE THE PAMELA DATA? Grajek, Kane, Phalen, Pierce, Watson , plus Ran Lu, Cheng Peng recently Rate? – density too small with thermal equilibrium cosmology, standard propagation parameters, though wino annihilates well into e + [better than bino, higgsino etc] wino w + e +, +, quarks w + wino w – But in comprehensive theories, e.g. Planck scalestring theories that have TeV physics, stabilized moduli, consistency with other data, etc, non-thermal cosmological history is probably the default – We normalize to local relic density (use 0.3 GeV/cm 3 ) – This is the right procedure if LSPs of non-thermal origin, e.g. moduli decay ~
Antiprotons – Naively expect signal but not apparent in PAMELA data – however, antiprotons from quark fragmentation, so soft – lose energy poorly so soft antiprotons get to detector present in old data, so old data was background + “signal” old data fitted as if just background, result used as background in recent analyses Gammas? Fermi/Glast data ? Synchrotron radiation – OK for some magnetic field parameters Also, for DM annihilation, energy dependent “boost factors” are better motivated than none – actually inevitable – improves the agreement with data for wino LSP Lavalle, Salati, Brun, Donato, Fornengo, Taillet et al etc [“boost factor” is not good terminology here since average not increased]
OTHER ISSUES Profile of galaxy DM – use NFW everywhere – results a little better if profile a little softer, and that is probably preferred by astrophysics -- relevant for antiprotons and gammas, not much for positrons Run Galprop, vary 6-7 parameters – not yet scan since computing time long – did > 200 simulations so far, will have >10 3 in a month M wino = 200 GeV so far, trying other values – only parameter of underlying physics Region below 10 GeV poorly described – little wino DM signal there, so only relevant to be sure no systematic problem – assume solar modulation Direct detection very small for wino, very sensitive to higgsino mix
Note signal persists to low energies as expected for light quark fragmentation
Allowed for masses with wino line below limit, e.g. green line Synchrotron radiation constraint [U B /(U rad + U B )=0.1]
Note wino LSP works well up to about 100 GeV note hint of two components
THUS a wino LSP with mass 200 GeV is a promising candidate to describe PAMELA data including constraints, and Fermi data with additional component or modified Galprop primary spectra beyond 100 GeV IMPROVED EXPERIMENTAL TESTS COMING VERY SOON PAMELA higher energy positrons GeV – must see “turnover” (or flattening if one bin) if wino LSP (M 200 GeV) PAMELA higher energy electrons – important to separate e + from e − Fermi/GLAST – gammas SOON LHC AMS-02
THEORY ISSUES: MUST HAVE NON-THERMAL COSMOLOGY TO GET RELIC DENSITY IF WINO LSP – PROBLEM? GOOD? [wino annihilation cross section 3x cm 3 s -1 but thermal history implies cross section about 100x larger] -- Non-thermal cosmology – generic in any string theory with stabilized moduli, TeV scale, any high scale supersymmetric theory? – (Acharya, GK, Piyush Kumar, Scott Watson in preparation) -- similarly for supersymmetric flat directions, Q-balls (Fujii Hamaguchi), axinos, saxions, kination (Salati …, Chung, Everett…) -- speculative version of moduli decay Moroi-Randall ph/ existence proof: M-theory compactified on G 2 manifold wino LSP, relic density about right from first principles (Acharya, Kane, Kumar, Shao, Watson) has detailed calculations, can calculate moduli masses and widths, thermal DM diluted by entropy from moduli decay DM from moduli decay
CONSISTENT FRAMEWORK COSMOLOGICALLY o Consider theories with stabilized moduli and weak scale, wino LSP o Moduli coupling Planck suppressed long lifetime sec o They dominate universe before decay, after freezeout, before BBN o Decays produce many LSPs, entropy, dilute thermal LSPs o LSPs annihilate so LSPs will annihilate down to but now at decay temperature rather than at freezeout temperature o Assuming large initial abundance and large annihilation cross section, results independent of initial abundance “Non-thermal wimp miracle” Relic density increases by ratio of reheat temp at decay to that at freezeout
Dark matter at LHC Is what is seen at LHC same as in indirect data? Test wino hypothesis Get more info to calculate the relic density For G2-MSSM squarks heavy so predict no signal here, but see winos in gluino decay
LHC phenomenology of light wino LSP well known Early 1999, 2000 Moroi-Randall Feng Moroi Randall Strassler Ghergetta, Giudice, Wells Recent Moroi, Yanagida et al ph/ Acharya et al
Chargino, LSP nearly degenerate, so hard to see – missing energy from “escaping” chargino, LSP mass difference 200 MeV, so decay has 1-2 soft pions Find via gluino, its decays as trigger – M gluino ranges from about 2 to about 9 M wino in models in our (Acharya, Bobkov, Kane, Kumar, Shao) string construction with M theory compactified on a manifold of G 2 holonomy, the LSP was wino, and gluino decay was mainly to C1, N2 (not N1) so can look for tracks in vertex detector – also gluino pair gives four tops so easy to trigger on
LHC implications of TeV LSPs or decaying DM? -- no LHC signal in some cases -- indirect (and very model dependent) in others, need certain superpartner spectrum or other matter to get annihilation or decay products to describe PAMELA, not contradict something -- sometimes new collider phenomenology – new light vector bosons with mass 1 GeV, decay into electrons so get “lepton jets” – model of Arkani-Hamed, Weiner et al
“Lepton jets”
Delayed decays possible, also missing energy along lepton jet
IF THE PAMELA EXCESS IS INDEED DUE TO A LIGHT WINO LSP THE IMPLICATIONS ARE REMARKABLE Would have learned that the dark matter, about a fifth of the universe, is (mainly) the W superpartner, and its approximate mass Discovery of supersymmetry! -- guarantees can study superpartners at LHC Would have learned that the universe had a non-thermal cosmological history, one we can probe Suggests moduli dominated “UV completion” – M-Theory “G 2 – MSSM” construction a concrete example Tests, information from more data soon and then from LHC, AMS02
Energy-dependent and particle-dependent annihilation enhancements from density fluctuations Galaxies are built from little galaxies – density fluctuations inevitable Keep average local density, but 2 and annihilations n 2 Positrons lose energy rapidly so mainly come from nearer us Antiprotons lose energy poorly, come from farther away Different distances feel profile differently, different amount of clumps On the antimatter signatures of the cosmological dark matter subhalos. Julien Lavalle. Dec arXiv: [astro-ph] Julien Lavalle Galactic secondary positron flux at the Earth T. Delahaye, F. Donato, N. Fornengo, J. Lavalle, R. Lineros, P. Salati, R. Taillet arXiv: [astro-ph]T. DelahayeF. DonatoN. FornengoJ. LavalleR. LinerosP. SalatiR. Taillet Antimatter cosmic rays from dark matter annihilation: First results from an N- body experiment. J. Lavalle (Turin U. & INFN, Turin), E. Nezri, E. Athanassoula (Provence U.), F.-S. Ling (Brussels U.), R. Teyssier (Saclay) Phys.Rev.D78:103526,2008. arXiv: [astro-ph]J. LavalleTurin U.INFN, TurinE. NezriE. AthanassoulaProvence U.F.-S. LingBrussels U.R. TeyssierSaclay Clumpiness of dark matter and positron annihilation signal: computing the odds of the galactic lottery. Julien Lavalle (Marseille, CPPM), Jonathan Pochon (Annecy, LAPP), Pierre Salati, Richard Taillet (Savoie U. & Annecy, LAPTH). astro-ph/ Julien LavalleMarseille, CPPMJonathan PochonAnnecy, LAPPPierre SalatiRichard TailletSavoie U.Annecy, LAPTH
Consistent motivated picture PAMELA positrons wino LSP Large wimp v 3x cm 3 sec -1 DM non-thermal in origin Moduli dominate universe after inflation, matter dominated Gravity mediated susy M 3/2 TeV moduli masses Moduli decay before BBN Spectrum: -- scalars M 3/2 -- higgsinos from Giudice-Masiero term M 3/2 -- gauginos including LSP light [field whose F-term dominates susy is not the field whose vev gives the gauge coupling – maybe consequence of approximate R symmetry] G 2 – MSSM is a concrete example of a UV completion of these generic arguments!