Back to School Night SIGSBEE CHARTER SCHOOL 2 nd Grade Conch Class
If you have a question that I don’t answer by the end of the presentation, write it down! If there is anything you would like to tell me about your child, please me or leave a note. I would love to set up a time for a conference. Please sign and turn in now MFLC consent FERPA Tonight’s Schedule
A Little About Ms. Stokes Ms. Stokes was selected by her colleagues as Sigsbee’s ‘Teacher of the Year’ last Spring. This is Ms. Stokes’ fourth year at Sigsbee Charter School! Erika received her Bachelor’s in Elementary Education from the University of Florida in Erika then continued on at University of Florida and earned her Master’s in Elementary Education in the Fall of GO GATORS!! Born and raised in Key West, Ms. Stokes spends her free time on the ocean with family and friends. She is a certified Dive Master and enjoys all water related activities. Erika Stokes
A Little About Mrs. Smith
Snack, Water, Etc Bring a refillable water bottle to school If sending in money with your child, please put it in a ziploc bag or envelope and write the child’s name, amount, and what it’s for. Birthdays can be celebrated at school with a healthy birthday snack for the class. Please contact Ms. Stokes. Whenever providing snack, please be mindful of the fact we only have about minutes to prep AND pass out snacks.
Our Classroom Community RespectResponsibilityResilience We recognize that we are all unique. We help our learning partners, friends and fellow Conchs remember our school rules. We can walk away from a tough situation. Fair does not mean same- it’s what is right for you. We are responsible for upholding the image of our school, our classroom and ourselves. We have choices in all situations. We recycle, reduce our waste and reuse supplies. We are all contributors in our classroom community.
Volunteer Holidays and other special occasions Mystery Reader Field trips Class snacks Limited classroom help can be sent home at your request Group events will have a sign in sheet (Did you sign in tonight?) Sign in the office if completing hours at school Fill out a volunteer form when completing hours (home; class snack)
Mystery Reader If you are interested in being a mystery reader, please sign up tonight or send me an of when you would like to come in. This will count towards your required volunteer hours.
Schedule Please remember to have your child wear athletic attire on Mondays and Wednesdays for PE. Our Library day is Thursday. Please help your child return their library books to school each week.
Curriculum Our curriculum is framed around the Florida State Standards. We have designed units of study that correlate to the common core standards for 2 nd grade.
Reader’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Independent Reading during individual conferences Mini Lesson Independent practice during guided reading Wrap up/share Mini Lesson Guided and/or Independent practice Small group/Independent work Individual conferences Wrap up/share Balanced Literacy
Reading and Writing Units of Study Launching Reader’s/Writer’s Workshop Persuasive/Tackling Troubles Opinion Writing How Readers Use Informational Texts Informational Writing Personal and imaginary narratives Traditional Literature (Folktales/Fairy Tales/Fables)
Reading is taught through a workshop model. Students will participate in Silent Sustained Reading time. Individual reading conferences take place during this time. Instruction will begin with a short lesson that will focus on a specific reading skill. Students will have time for guided practice. Students will choose activities from a work plan. While they are working with partners or independently, I will administer small group guided reading lessons. Reading Workshop
The Workplan Please see example of upcoming student work plan. All “Must-Dos” must be completed by Mondays. New plans on Tuesday. This will come home on a weekly basis. Chat with your student about the work they bring home and what they are working on in class.
Guided Reading Small group reading lessons (4-6 students per group) Each group meets 3-5 days a week Groups are formed based on the needs and reading levels of individual students Groups are flexible Teacher helps students to develop understanding of the text while prompting them to use strategies they will need to become independent readers
The Writer’s Workshop Each day writer’s workshop will begin with a short mini-lesson which focuses on a specific skill. The students will then be given the opportunity to practice this skill in their writing. During this time, I will confer with students or lead a small group. Mentor texts are often used during the mini-lessons and allow for students to learn craft from real authors.
Words Their Way word study program. Research demonstrates memorizing spelling lists is an ineffective way to develop solid spelling skills. During word study, the teacher works with students on word sorts, designed specifically for the student and based on assessments, helping them to understand and generalize spelling patterns. Students will work from Handwriting Without Tears practice book as needed. Handwriting Word Study
Word Study Homework Your child will work with the same set of words over a two-week period. At the end of the two weeks, your child will be assessed on these words to determine whether or not they have mastered the intended skill. The date for this assessment will be listed on the homework each week. The Word Study Tic-Tac-Toe board will be sent home once at the beginning of the year. Please keep this as a reference to use throughout the year. If lost, you can view or print an extra copy from the 2 nd grade webpage. In the homework notebook, your child should complete 3 activities a week.
Math Workshop Program is based on the Florida Standards. The methods are often different from the way most of us learned. There is more focus on the why and student explanation of thinking. Please see Common Core resource in your bag. Go Math! (HW often includes model) XtraMath (please practice facts at home) Calendar Math
Integration into other subjects Science Units of Study: – Inquiry & tools/Crustaceans (first 3 weeks) – Study of Universe (until October) – Study of Earth (until January) – Study of Sea (late March/early April) – Anatomy and Physiology (topical inquiry) What about Science & Social Studies?
Reporting OctoberJanuaryAprilJune ConferenceReport CardConferenceReport Card Reporting Report card- twice in the school year +/- for homework; noted in Jupiter Reading/Writing Continuum DRA GO Math assessments
Jupiter Jupiter is used to take attendance each day. Please contact me if you see a discrepancy in your child’s attendance. Jupiter is also used to send s to parents and discipline referrals to parents. The 2 nd grade team will also use Jupiter grades to keep track of homework completion.
Homework Homework is assigned every Wednesday and is due back to school the following Tuesday. Always, students should be reading or listening to books for at least 20 minutes a day. Please have your child begin logging their reading independently. Homework consists of: Math pages, Tic Tac Toe chart, Reading Response and Word Study. Doing a little bit a night is the most effective way to complete homework and not feel overwhelmed!
How you can help your child succeed READ,READ, READ with your child EVERY night. Discuss what you have read. Predict, infer, question……. Allow students time nightly to practice on Xtra Math Make homework and a full night of sleep a priority!
Thank You! Thank you for coming to Back to School Night! Questions??