2 Hazard Assessment
3 Your accident rates or injury rates will be reduced by being pro-active in Hazard Assessment.
4 Hazard Assessment The following will be accomplished by this process: Compliance with OSHA/MIOSHA Regulations Improved safety for workers Insurance requirements Equipment needs Procedure identification Others
5 Hazard Assessment Hazard Analysis Identifying potential hazards in the workplace Job Safety Analysis (National Safety Council) Identifying potential hazards with job tasks Workplace Audits Identifying actual hazards in the work place Accident Investigation Investigation all incidents
6 Audit Process Identify what you want to accomplish Assemble assessment material Be specific in process Inform personnel in the area Do an inspection Perform Job Hazard analysis (JHA) Make recommendations for procedures Document
7 Job Hazard Analysis Involve the employees Conduct the JHA Break the job down into steps Identify the hazards Recommend safe procedures Implement safe procedures Revise JHA as necessary
8 Conducting JHA Knowledge of Inspector in safety issues Time of Inspection (what shift) Things are not always done on night shift the way they should be Management Support Area to be Inspected The Inspection
9 Documentation Videotaping Photographing Talking to Employees Assessment Tool
10 Identify the Hazard Potential failure of equipment or process Consequence of Failure Hazards Associated with Failure Probability of Failure Detection Failure Method Fixing Failure
11 Hazard Recognition Chemical exposure Electrical exposure Ergonomics Fire Fall Bloodborne Pathogens Noise
12 Hazard Recognition Lighting Ventilation Confined Space Personal Protective Equipment Incorrect choice or usage Emergency Action Plans Housekeeping Ladders
13 Hazard Recognition Machine Guarding Compressed Gas Cylinders General Work Environment Security Assault Prevention
14 Hazard Exposure Chemical Exposure Hazard Communication Personal Protective Equipment Process Electrical Safety 29 CFR Michigan Parts 39 & 40 Ergonomics
15 Hazard Exposure Fire Safety Egress Routing Flammable Liquid Storage Compressed Gas Cylinders Walking Working Surfaces Slip-Trip-Fall Noise Is there a noise problem
16 Hazard Exposure Bloodborne Pathogens 29 CFR Michigan Part 554 Lighting Ergonomics Eye and body strain Workplace Violence Higher crime rate in low lighted areas
17 Hazard Exposure Ventilation General Ventilation Procedure Ventilation Isolation Ventilation Housekeeping 29 CFR Michigan Part 1
18 Hazard Exposure Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Evaluated 29 CFR Michigan Part 33 Implemented
19 Hazard Exposure Emergency Action Plan 29 CFR Michigan Part 6 Fire Exits Doors Postings Training Severe Weather Shelter
20 Hazard Exposure General Work Environment Does it “look” right? Does it “feel” right? Machine Guarding Are machines properly covered and not left open while they operate?
21 Hazard Exposure Security Front Door Emergency Room Neonatal Units Emergency Phone Communication
22 Hazard Exposure Assault Prevention Security Patient assault prevention Worker assault prevention Training Perceptions Reactions Reporting
23 Additional Material Use a check list Many insurance companies will help MIOSHA OSHA Professional organizations JCAHO