Personal Protective Equipment and Job Hazard Assessment Jim Simmons Environmental Protection Specialist Southern Plains Area USDA/ARS 29 CFR 1910, Subpart I
Background ► Hazards exist in every workplace in many different forms: ► Sharp edges ► Falling objects ► Sparks ► Chemicals ► Noise ► Many others
Background ► Mankind has always tried to find a way to protect itself from workplace hazards ► Personal Protective Equipment has been used throughout history and in many different forms
Hazard Control ► Controlling a hazard at it’s source is the best way to protect employees Engineering practices ► A barrier between the hazard and the employee ► Ventilation ► Etc Administrative practices ► Changing the way in which employees perform their work
Hazard Control ► When engineering and administrative controls are not feasible or effective, employers must provide personal protective equipment to their employees and ensure its use ► Commonly known as PPE
THE LAW ► OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910 Subpart I, Personal Protective Equipment Requires employers to: ► Perform and certify a hazard assessment of the workplace to identify and control physical and health hazards ► Identify and provide appropriate PPE for employees
THE LAW ► OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910 Subpart I, Personal Protective Equipment Requires employers to: ► Train employees in the use and care of PPE ► Maintain PPE, including replacing worn or damaged PPE
THE LAW ► OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910 Subpart I, Personal Protective Equipment Requires employees to: ► Properly wear PPE ► Attend training sessions on PPE ► Care for, clean and maintain PPE ► Maintain PPE, including replacing worn or damaged PPE ► Inform supervisor of the need to repair or replace PPE
Hazard Assessment ► The employer must perform a hazard assessment of the work place, tasks, and operations effecting an employee Must investigate the workplace and identify hazards or potential hazards that may cause injury or illness to employees and certify in writing that the assessment was conducted
Hazard Assessment ► The assessment may be conducted of a single employee, a single task or a group of employees if all employees perform an identical task ► The assessment should include an inspection of the worksite and potential hazardous sources
Hazard Assessment ► Potential Hazard Sources High and low temperature Chemical Exposure Harmful dust or particles Light radiation Falling or rolling objects Light (optical) radiation Sharp objects Electrical Confined Space Biological Radiological Noise Others
Potential Hazard Sources ► High or Low Temperatures that could result in: ► Burns ► Eye injuries ► Ignition ► Heat/cold stress ► Frost bite ► Others ► Examples: welding, cold rooms, extreme weather, chemical
Potential Hazard Sources ► Chemical Hazards such as: Acids/bases Solvents Vapors/mists Thermal Fuels/Oils Others
Potential Hazard Sources ► Harmful Dusts and Particulates Buffing Grinding Sandblasting Seed Cleaning Mill operations Others
Potential Hazard Sources ► Light Radiation ► Welding ► Arc lamps ► Lasers ► Growth lights ► Others
Potential Hazard Sources ► Falling objects Potential for dropping objects ► Rolling objects Crush or pinch feet ► Injury from overhead ► Examples: Animal handling, tree trimming, construction, lifting, fork lifts
Potential Hazard Sources ► Sharp objects that may pierce or cut skin, hands or other body parts ► Examples Needles Knives Scalpel Glass
Potential Hazard Sources ► Electrical Hazard Energized Equipment Energized Lines Others
Potential Hazard Sources ► Noise Mowers, generators, farm equipment, wind tunnels, etc ► Confined Space Manhole systems, grain bins, etc ► Biological Agents that cause disease or illness ► Insect scales, viruses, bacteria, etc ► Radiological X-Rays, H-3, C-14, etc ► Others Snakes etc
Personal Protective Equipment ► The employer must: Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) for protection against hazards identified during the assessment where other controls are not sufficient
Personal Protective Equipment ► Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Clothing, work accessories, and devices to protect employees against hazards in the environment. Examples – Safety glasses, goggles, hard hats, gloves, etc
Personal Protective Equipment ► PPE will be provided by the employer Must be selected to provide protection from hazards identified in the hazard assessment Must be selected based upon the hazard’s characteristics ► PPE selection criteria will be documented and kept on file Must fit the employee
Personal Protective Equipment ► PPE will be utilized as the LAST means of protection Engineering and administrative controls must be utilized first to minimize or eliminate the hazard
Training ► Supervisors must provide employee training to include : Contents of 29 CFR Contents of Location PPE Program Hazards within the work place When PPE is necessary What type of PPE is necessary How PPE is to be worn Limitations of the PPE Proper care, maintenance, life and disposal of PPE
Training ► Training must be conducted initially and annually thereafter ► Refresher training must be provided when: Changes occur in the work place Changes occur in the types of PPE Inadequacies in a employee’s knowledge indicate that the employee has not retained the understanding or skill