Foods 1 Review. The name for common table sugar is… 1.Sucrose 2.Glucose 3.Lactose.


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Presentation transcript:

Foods 1 Review

The name for common table sugar is… 1.Sucrose 2.Glucose 3.Lactose

Which of the following is an example of a complex carbohydrate? 1.sucker 2.steak 3.spaghetti

How many calories are there in one gram of carbohydrates?

Which type of carbohydrate is usually the best for you? 1.Simple 2.Complex 3.They are both the same

What percentage of your diet should come from carbohydrates – especially complex ones?

All starches must break down into _______ before the body can use them. 1.Protein 2.Unsaturated fat 3.Simple carbohydrates

What do carbohydrates do for your body? 1.Make your hair shiny 2.Give you energy 3.Build cells

Lactose is 1.Known as malt sugar 2.Known as simple body sugar 3.Known as milk sugar

A colander 1.Drains liquid and has larger holes than a strainer 2.Is used to cut in flour and shortening. 3.Is a large frying pan.

There are two kinds of carbs: simple and 1.long 2.complex 3.digestible

Complex carbohydrates are… 1.Protein 2.Sugar 3.Starch

Fatty substance that clogs the blood vessels is… 1.fiber 2.cholesterol 3.amino acids

Carbohydrates … 1.Build muscle 2.Provide energy 3.Insulate organs

The part of the kernel of grain that has the most fiber is… 1.Bran 2.Germ 3.Endosperm

White bread is made from the… 1.bran 2.endosperm 3.germ

Grains are a good source of… 1.B vitamins 2.Vitamin C 3.Vitamin A

National Cancer Institute recommends you get ________ grams of fiber per day

Cellulose is a type of... 1.fiber 2.fat 3.protein

Fiber... 1.Acts like a sponge and attracts water to your intestines. 2.Filters out the bad cholesterol 3.Carries vitamins A and D throughout your body

Some foods high in fiber are... 1.Steak, wheat, beans 2.Corn, grains, milk 3.Seeds, legumes, vegetables

The whole grain form of rice is called… 1.Brown rice 2.Instant rice 3.Jasmine rice

Regular rice will _____ in bulk when cooked. 1.double 2.triple 3.half

Pasta should be cooked in a large amount of water and... 1.covered 2.stirred continually 3.uncovered

Simple Carbohydrates are... 1.Sugar 2.Protein 3.Starch

Comparison of nutrients to calories is... 1.Food groups 2.Nutrient density 3.RDA

Which is not a source of carbohydrates? 1.tuna 2.pasta 3.milk

Which is not a source of energy? 1.starch 2.protein 3.vitamins

Common table sugar is called... 1.Sucrose 2.Lactose 3.Glucose

You get fiber from… 1.steak 2.chili beans 3.milk

You get fiber from... 1.Meats and seafood 2.White bread and spaghetti 3.Whole grain bread

One cup equals T T Oz.

One T. equals t. 2.3 t. 3.4 t.

What is ¾ t. doubled? 1.4 t. 2.1 T. 3.1 ½ t.

Microwaves are reflected by... 1.metal 3.plastic

This type of food borne illness is usually associated with poultry products E coli 2.Botulism 3.Salmonella

What should you put on a grease fire? 1.Water 2.Baking soda 3.Sugar

To cook slowly in a small amount of fat is to... 1.Sauté 2.Simmer 3.Scald

Meats should be cooked to a temp. of degree F degrees F degrees F.

Quick breads will have peaks and tunnels if you... 1.Cook them at a low temp. 2.Stir them too much 3.Use too much salt

An example of a simple carbohydrate is... 1.Steak 2.Tootsie roll 3.Peanut butter

Which ingredient gives quick breads their structure? 1.Sugar 2.Baking soda 3.Flour

Which is not a major function of protein? 1.Build and repair cells 2.Prevents night blindness 3.Provides energy

Amino Acids are... 1.Poisonous to the body 2.What proteins are made of 3.Types of carbohydrates

Heat used to properly cook eggs is... 1.Low to med. 2.Medium to high degrees F.

Eggs might be used in a meatloaf as... 1.A binder 2.An emulsifier 3.A thickener

When the fat in milk is broken up into very small particles so that it does not separate to the top it is called... 1.Pasteurized 2.Fortified 3.Homogenized

Cooking milk on high heat and not stirring can result in the formation of... 1.Scum 2.Scalding 3.Scooters

Which type of fat is the best for your cholesterol? 1.Monounsaturated 2.Saturated 3.Polyunsaturated

Which type of fat lowers the HDL and the LDL? 1.Polyunsaturated 2.Monounsaturated 3.Saturated

Folacin (or folate) is important for pregnant women to help prevent… 1.Spinal cord deformities in the baby 2.High blood pressure in the baby 3.Excessive weight gain

Lack of iron in the diet can result in... 1.Osteoporosis 2.Anemia 3.Cancer

Good sources of iron are... 1.Red meat and green leafy vegetables 2.Egg whites 3.Whole grain breads

Which vitamin helps prevent night blindness? 1.a 2.d 3.c

Water soluble vitamins are... 1.ADEK 2.ADCB 3.BC

When cooking vegetables, what three things destroy vitamins? 1.Air, Water and Sugar 2.Heat, Water and Exposure to air 3.Air, Fats, Sugar

Please make your selection... 1.Choice One 2.Choice Two 3.Choice Three