We BeaT a GiaNT LiaR
Fortiter pugnamus ut urbem defendamus. What mood? Welcome to yet another use for the Subjunctive!
Purpose clause = subordinate clause Shows purpose/objective of main clause Recipe Main verb + ut/nē +subjunctive Look for the UT or NE!! Translate with may/might infinitive et. al. Fortiter pugnamus ut urbem defendamus.
Ways to show in English We fight bravely so that we may defend the city. in order that we may defend the city. in order that he may occupy the city. to occupy the city. in order to occupy the city.
Miles pugnat ne vincatur. The soldier fights so as not to be conquered. that he may not be conquered. so that he may not be conquered. in order that he may not be conquered.
Relative Clause of Purpose Introduced by relative pronoun (qui, quae, quod, etc.) Verb is in subjunctive (not indicative) Shows purpose of the antecedent Translate with infinitive …who is to verb… e.g. Romani ducem qui exercitum ducat mittunt.
Misit nuntium qui leges patriae cognoscat. He sent a messenger who is to learn the laws of the country. to learn the laws of the land.
Practice Mercatores ad nostram urbem venunt ut pecuniam faciant. Pugnemus ut a duce laudemur. Celerrime currit ne a patre capiatur. Nautae missi erant qui ad Britanniam cum illo duce navigent.
More Practice Nuntius qui cives de periculis moneat ad urbem missus est. Prima luce barbarus ad mediam silvam accedit ne ab militibus inveniatur. Laborabo ut me pulcriorem quam te faciam.
Still more practice I send a messenger to report this. He will come to hear us. I love to hear you. Men were sent to defend the bridge. He doesn’t want to praise himself. He carries food so that he may not be killed.